
Sunday, July 27, 2008


As I was running up the big hill in my neighborhood this morning, a woman was walking down. I've seen her before; we've chatted. Today, as we passed each other, she said to me, "You're doing amazing. This hill is so long and steep. Keep it up!"

I hadn't been feeling all that amazing, honestly. But I squeaked out a breathless, "Thanks!" and continued running, now with renewed energy.

See, her little comment gave me a big boost. In fact, it helped motivate me to add an extra mile to my route. As I was running, I thought about how important things like that are. The woman's few words had a real impact on me; they buoyed my spirit, thus, improving my run.

So, the moral of my story is this: If you see a runner out there doing her thing, give her a wave. Cheer her on. While you're at it, say, "Hi," to the walkers and the folks out trimming their hedges, mowing their lawns or pruning their shrubs. You never know, you might end up buoying their spirits -- and your own!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend --


  1. I always greet other runners and walkers. When I'm driving and I see runners, I find it hard to not yell out my window "Great job! Keep going!". :)

    Oh, and I'm repeating week 4 of the push ups!

  2. So, so true! Funny thing is, making myself cheer for someone else also buoys my spirit, and feet: there's something about forcing yourself to have enough energy to initiate or respond to encouragement that makes running so much more pleasant! Saying "hi" helps all of us!

  3. Runners rock. We gotta use all those endorphins somehow!

  4. You are so right, and thanks for pointing that out. I try and say good moring to everyone I pass, walkers, runners and bikers.

  5. Yes, you just never know the impact you will have on someone by a simple wave, thumbs up, Great JOB!....

    These are the things that keep us going...thanks for sharing that!

    Frayed Laces, Runners DO Rock!!!

  6. isn't it such a great feeling when someone cheers you on?

    good for you for adding on an extra mile!

  7. Super true! My favorite source of energy during road races is the little kids on the side of the road just begging for a high five. I can't help but smile and smiles certainly fuel your adrenaline!!

    Great reminder to keep encouraging others!

  8. Well, all of you have confirmed my belief that runners are just awesome!

    Running knitter: I started week 4 with the understanding that I am going to do it twice. That way, I won't have any conflicts at the end of the week -- should I repeat? Should I move on? Now, I just know I'm going to repeat.


Comments make this happy runner EXTRA HAPPY! Thank you, thank you!