
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday long run.

Seven miles may not be long for most people, but that's what I ran today and it was the most I've run since I got back into running post-pregnancy. Today's run also pushed this week's mileage to 22.2 -- another post-preg. high!

It was a pretty good run. Very hilly (of course) and even though I went out in the afternoon, it was quiet. A few cars passed by when I was running on a main road, but not many. There was only one little glitch. As I was running down one of the hills on my route, I stepped awkwardly and felt it almost immediately in my left ITB. I cursed to myself and then stopped to stretch. I stretched my ITB, my quad and my calf and then I walked a little and stretched again, adding in an extra ITB stretch for good measure. Then, I began to run again. A few minutes later, I felt that pesky ITB so I immediately stopped and stretched/walked/stretched. This time, I'd gotten it. When I picked up my run again, I felt fine and I didn't have any problems for the rest of the run. Good thing, because my misstep was only about two miles into my run! I would've really been upset if I'd had to call it a run at that point.

Even with the ITB break, I finished my run in 1:05:45. I guess those cocktails didn't hurt me after all!


  1. 7 miles IS a long way to go! Seriously, how many people can even run 7 miles. Most people only do 3-4.

  2. wooo congrats on the awesome run!! glad the ITB didnt bother you for too long!

  3. Great job on the run. 7 miles is a long run for me :)

  4. 7 still counts as long! And congrats on the time...that rocks!

  5. 7 miles is a long distance and you should be proud of yourself! Nice job!

  6. great job! and that is longlong for me.


    how ya feel this morning?


  7. Great longest post-pregnancy run! And very nice job resolving ITB issue early on and finishing with a great time despite night-before cocktails.

  8. Great job and way to listen and stop! My IT is a constant nag...the foam roller has been my savior!

  9. For me, anything over 5 is a "long run". HAH!! Great job!


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