
Monday, October 13, 2008

Some fun, some pain.

I've been so busy enjoying this awesome October long weekend (among other things, I took my own advice and made a yummy apple pie) that I haven't had a chance to post a thing.

But now it's dark, the Giants are losing and I'm back on the computer.

I ended the week with a fast 4-mile run on Friday and then took Saturday completely off. What a smart thing to do! We had a fun day. I took Conal to the Apple Festival where I bought a peck of apples (thus, the apple pie) and some cider donuts. On Sunday, I went for a leisurely 6-mile run and it was partly great, partly not so. My hamstring, or some ligament in the hamstring area, was acting up. It was weird: I only felt it when I was running uphill. On the flat parts, downhills and even the slight inclines, I didn't feel a thing. On the real uphills, though? Eek! I had pain.

I stopped to stretch, twice, but it didn't really help. After the run, I iced my leg, rolled it out and took some Advil. We spent the evening at my parents' house and I didn't feel any pain at all while I was there, nor did I feel any when we got home.

This morning I woke up feeling fine so I decided to test my leg on an easy 3.6-mile run. Same thing as on yesterday's run: Pain on the uphills. So, tomorrow will be a complete off day. I'm not bummed because I have a meeting tomorrow night that I need to prepare for, and I have a new book project that I should start working on. I'm going to look at any forced layoff as a good thing for other areas in my life. Although, I do hope that my leg feels good enough to run on Wednesday! I don't want to waste this great October weather.


  1. Apprehensive about this comment because I'm not a runner....but....I would say take today off.

    Pamper your bod however that is defined to you (all rest, active rest by way of walking, massage, pedicure ;)) and check back in with us, errrr, it on wednesday.

    I know its hard but its all what you said about not wanting to waste the weather....I know rest will help you in THAT.


  2. I have felt that same weird tendon/ligament pain in my knee. Some time off helped and also stretching. It seemed that my hamstrings were and still are too tight. Hopefully some rest will help!

  3. Some time off and avoid hills (if you can) for awhile?!? Yikes, I'm sorry to hear that you're hurting :-(

  4. Hope a day off feels good and gives the leg the rest it needs. Mmm, cider donuts, apple pie-- this is truly my favorite food AND running time of year, so it would be a shame not to be able to indulge in both. Your recipe looks scrumptious, although my pie crusts have turned out well few enough times for me to remember every single one.

  5. Sounds like you had a great October weekend. I agree with the group that you should rest and when you get back to running take it easy and avoid hills for a while.

  6. hurting is not fun :( boooo. i hope it feels better soon!! you are doing all the right things.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the congrats!

    Sorry to hear about the hammie but agree with the group:
    R - rest
    I - ice
    C- compression
    E - elevation

    If something doesn't feel right RICE will help!

    Enjoy the Apple pie:)

  8. I agree. The Giants debacle surely put a damper on an otherwise great weekend. Hope you have a productive day off. Feel better.

  9. Give your legs a rest for a day or two and see how you feel. Maybe some rest will take care of them? You still have a month or so of decent weather out there, don't you?

  10. Nothing welcomes fall better than apple pie and a trip to an Apple festival!

    Hope the leg starts to feel better. Take it easy.

  11. Hope you start feeling better. Taking time off can sometimes be the best thing, even though it's hard to do.

    I feel your pain on the Giant. Ack!

  12. heres hoping today is a runday!!

    that you are painfree...


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