
Thursday, October 2, 2008


This week's Take it and Run Thursday topic is Life Lessons Learned from Running.

There have been so many!

But, for me, the biggest lesson that I have learned from running is that I am tougher than I think I am. I can push it when I need to. I can withstand some pain. I can run even when my lungs start to burn, my feet start to ache, and my mind is telling me to just stop already.

Don't get me wrong: I am not tough.

I am simply tougher than I think I am. Those runs when I haven't given up even though I've had the blahs, when I've gritted my way to the finish line even though my ITB was on fire, when I've powered my way up that hill that always seemed too daunting, or when I've run mile after mile over that rocky trail as the sun beat down making me worry that I would, truly, melt like the Wicked Witch of the West, have all proven that I can take it.

And there have been plenty of times when I've needed to take it, and I thank my running for teaching me that I can. Surgery? I can take it. Pregnancy? I can take it. Labor and delivery? Bring it on, I can take it! Terrible sucky job? I can take it. No job? I can take it.

You get the picture.

I believe that running makes the rest of life easier, because it helps you see how tough you really are. A good life lesson.


  1. Awesome! You need this t-shirt, which I am tempted to buy, too:

  2. I think you sound totally tough!

  3. Betsy -- I love that t-shirt!! I'm putting that on my wish list, for sure. Thanks!

  4. Excellent post! And very true. Running does show us that we're tougher than we think ;-)

  5. great post!! definitely agree with this too. and you are definitely one tough girl!

  6. I love that running teaches us to go further, faster and harder. And completely agree with everything you said. Great post!

  7. That's awesome. Sometimes I feel like my running (or maybe just my aging body) is teaching me that I'm not as tough as I'd like. :)

  8. You are so right. It takes a lot to get out there and run every day. It's something only the tough can handle!

  9. I think runner does make us stronger because there is no body to rely on. If we are going to make it up the hill, one more mile, one more inch, it is up to ourself.

    Great post!

  10. I agree - I like this lesson, I really had not thought of it that way!

  11. Yeah running can be tough - but some's divine.
    Wishing you lots of divine days : )

  12. Well said! Running reminds one of ones resiliency, that's for sure. Great post!

  13. Funny...I was thinking of just how running makes me feel like such a the rest of my life. Very nice post!

  14. You'll all be tougher than you think, mining the depth of that toughness is the tough thing...need more toughs in that comment!

  15. Great post!!

    It seems no matter what we ask our bodies and minds to do and accept, we can take it (as long as we train right).

  16. Great post, I've bookmarked you! :) I'll be back for more inspiration.


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