
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A cheer, some work, a little about running and an interview.

A few things --

First, cheers to all the veterans on this Veterans Day!

Now, let's talk about me. I'm swamped. When it rains, it pours. Be careful what you wish for. All good things come to those who wait. I know there are more cliches that apply, I just can't think of them now because my brain is worn out.

As you know, I don't work full time. Ahem. Oh, right. I take care of my son, which is a full-time job. So, I should more accurately say that I don't work for pay full time. I freelance. This summer I had very few projects. I ran. I vacationed. I kept up with this and everyone else's blogs.

And I worried. "What if this is the end? What if I'm done? Washed up?" I was nervous that no new jobs would come my way.

What was I thinking?

I have more projects right now than I've had since I started freelancing. I'm a little over-loaded but pretty sure I can handle it. I'll probably have to ask for help (in the childcare area) in order to get through, and that is something I always struggle with. I just need to do it. I'll also need to be diligent about finding time to run because I will need that stress relief!

And here's the other thing (It's pretty cool. To me, at least!): Lori from Fake Food Free and Charity Mile interviewed me for the Charity Mile blog. The interview is up now so check it out!


  1. I am sure that you will be able to manage everything. I used to babysit for a Mom who worked from home. She would have me come in a few times a week and just watch the kids - that way she was still there if she was really needed but could also get her work done.

  2. I would agree with J and go for the 'mother's helper' type situation, I did that all throughout college and found posts on my college website for people who needed hlep. It was a cool way to help others. :) Sounds fun being busy! I want to be a free-lance.. teach me your ways yoda.

  3. Great interview Flee. And glad to hear your freelancing is booming. Hang in there and dont fret about work the workload will dry up again eventually. [ok, bad joke, geez I hope not].

  4. Nice interview! I can't imagine squeezing in work while your son is napping-- I think I'd be gratefully napping at those times. Definitely good if you can bring yourself to ask for help with childcare. Right now I'm imagining you as the Morton salt girl with the salt pouring out behind her...and a toddler in tow making a mess of it!

  5. Ha! tfh -- you wouldn't be too far off!

  6. It's good that work is going well, but I know how you feel when you get a bit overloaded. Keep your head up and if you need help, ask for it. Get out there and get those runs in yo... you'll need it after days like this.

  7. Wow interviews... you're big time!

    It's so true when you aren't busy you wish for more to do...and then you have too much!

  8. i have a friend who works from home while taking care of her baby... i cant imagine doing 2 full time jobs at once!! you are awesome!

  9. Taking care of a baby, running, and free-lancing? That's like two and a half full time jobs in my book. No wonder you need some help.

    Great interview, btw. I enjoyed it.

  10. Hi! I think it's really great that you are able to juggle everything so well...don't hesitate to ask for help. So cool that you were interviewed....loved the interview.

  11. Working on things at home while watching a little one is tough. I am sure you will get everythign done.

  12. I'm sure you'll do great! Asking for help is hard, but so worth it. Especially from family, who will get extra bonding time with your kiddo :)

  13. I'm sure you'll pull through! Just make sure to schedule in a break for Christmas - there's nothing worse than having work over your head when the rest of the family is relaxing. Congrats on the interview as well!

  14. Having been a SAHD and doing some consulting work I can fully empathize, it will find it's balance; these things always do

  15. You are not washed up!!! LOL. And really glad to hear that you're busy with "work". :-) Oh and awesome interview!!

  16. You seem to be doing pretty well, so I'd say keep the faith and keep being awesome. I'm sure you'll find the time to run!


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