
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Officially in training mode.

Now that I made the commitment to run the NJ marathon, I'm officially in marathon training mode. For me, this means overcoming one huge obstacle: My wimpiness. We've established that I am not the biggest fan of running outside in the cold or the dark. I'm just a major weather wimp. Some of you have encouraged me to suck it up, embrace the cold, that sort of thing. Good advice, however, I haven't really followed it.

I've been running on the treadmill. And, you know, that's been fine. I found my groove and I've been happily trotting along for 4 miles or so at a time. I've done some decent speed work on the 'mill, since I do tend to get bored just looking at the bins of Christmas ornaments and Conal's out-grown clothes and playing with my speed keeps things interesting. But, as you know, you can't just run speedy 4 milers and think you can cross the finish line of a marathon alive. Well, maybe you'd be alive but, man, I would imagine you'd be dragging.

So. I think you what's coming . . . and you're right! I sucked it up and ran outside today. Oh, it was chilly for sure. Maybe 22 degrees? Not sure. Probably colder. And, with the wind chill, definitely colder. But, I bundled up and it was fine.

My route started with a half mile hill so I warmed up quickly. Once I was warm, I just cruised along, finishing 7.65 miles in 67:19 or 8:48/mile. I didn't look at my watch at all during this run because I wanted to go out there and run comfortably, to determine what pace my body would settle into. I wasn't surprised since an 8:45 or so pace seems to be where my body tends to gravitate on most runs. This means I'll need to slow it down for my long runs and speed it up for my tempo runs. I'll stick with that pace for my regular ol' runs.

The treadmill will continue to get some action during the week, when it is too dark for me to run in the evenings. But on Saturdays and Sundays, I'll now be hitting the roads. Watch out, world!


  1. That's what I like to do this time of year too...treadmill during the week, outside on the weekend.

  2. Nice pace! I wish my body would gravitate closer to that than my usual :)

  3. That's what I do, too. I've been trying to set my tread to a 1% grade, but for some reason that totally sucks so I take it off. Then, I'm totally shocked when I'm running outside on the "real" ground!

    Welcome to training land!

  4. Great job on your run and on getting outside too. You are going to be FIERCE Felice as your training progresses. Way to go!

    I say, embrace the mill and do it unapologetically. Treadmills get no respect here in bloggyville. But the mill - when used wisely - can be your winter friend. Just remember you heard that here first, from me, the Master of the Obvious.

    Word verfication: hydra

  5. as long as you dress for it, running outside is great :) Welcome to training mode! Enjoy!

  6. hi, happy runner! i'm actually training for the same marathon! i'm excited to follow along in your training :) do you have a time goal?

  7. Yep, that's exactly my strategy for my marathon training too. Treadmill work on weekdays, Long run on roads on the weekends. I'm glad we're on the same page. On to week 2!

  8. Happy New Year to you, too! :o)
    Way to go on your marathon commitment--I am in awe, especially knowing how bad winters in your part of the country can be.

    I was trying to find this Pearl Izumi jacket that kept me comfortable on an 11 mile long run in -10 windchill, but alas, I don't think they make it any more. Completely windproof and waterproof--and several hundred dollars--but I would've have survived the winter training and completed my first 13.1 without it. If I do happen to find it, I'll send it your way--definitely an excellent investment.

    Looking forward to hearing about the training. Rah rah rah, you can do it!

  9. I am seriously looking into getting my mill repaired for select winter runs. Happy training.

  10. Good luck banning your wimpiness :) I totally understand though...dark and cold are just no fun.

    Speed work totally helps on the 'mill. Keeps your brain occupied. :)

    Have fun gett'n in shape!

  11. Great job running outside!!! I totally am a wimp when it comes to cold weather running. Even though, my cold temperature is no where low as yours!

  12. The hardest thing to do when it is cold out, is getting out the door. Usually once you past that and hit the first mile you are good to go.

    Nice job taking the plunge.

  13. during the week I am a treadmill junkie, but on Saturdays I run out on the road. Some of it is because I hate the cold and dark, some of it is the way my schedule works out. The 'mill at the YMCA is becoming my best friend.
    way to get out there and brave the cold.

  14. You're going to run NJ?!? Where have I been?! You're the woman! It's been so dang cold lately.

  15. I go away for a few (well, more than a few) days and suddenly you're training for another marathon? Watch out world, indeed!

  16. Way to go and run outside! One step at a time! Keep up the good work! I hate the cold too! Hopefully the rest of winter will be calm and not so snowy!

  17. Nice pace. Way to get outside for over an hour. I get out there, but then don't want to stay out there. :(

  18. awesome job on the run!! and for getting outside - brrr! yay for official training :)

  19. Gah, I'm a wimp too. We'll stick it out together! :) At least you got out there! :)

  20. Great stuff on running outside! It's not so bad once you go out I think, but mentally getting ready to go is tough when it's cold.

    happy 2009!

  21. Awesome that you got out there and run! I love to "just run" and not worry about the numbers on some runs.

  22. way to go, that sounds like a great run!! Don't forget to turn in your HBBC points... and I'm really wondering how the Ab rocket is doing for your mom?

  23. I'm so beyond impressed! Great job on running outside!

  24. I totally understand the wimpiness - it takes a lot to get out the door in the colder weather, but about 10 minutes into the run I always feel fine.

    You may want to get some Mizuno Breath Thermo gear. I have one of these shirts and it helps keep me a bit warmer on really cold days.

    Otherwise, try to enjoy the 'mill until it warms up!

  25. Whether you hit the mill or the road, it's all good.

    So glad you're running NJ. You're further ahead than some of us with our race goals and training.

    Thanks for the comment. Hope you'll consider contributing an article to the book.

  26. I agree with told all above. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.


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