
Friday, February 6, 2009

Two good runs.

I'm not going to get too excited, but Wednesday evening went well and I had a good run on Thursday, too. Thanks for all of your positive vibes! They really help when my attitude is dumpy.

I did a speed workout on Wednesday and the key to that was not to be too aggressive. In looking at why my previous speed workout was so yucky, I determined that I didn't warmup properly. So, on Wednesday, I took it easy for a full mile and then ran fast. But, not too fast. I pushed the pace, but it was one that I could maintain a little better.

On Thursday I had a whole nutty thing going on. If you are interested in the non-running drama that occurred (screaming toddler! potential catastrophe! firemen!), you can check it out here. We're fine so don't worry about us. And, through it all, I did manage a short run, which felt pretty good.

Two good runs to follow my crummy week. Not bad.

As promised, I've been reflecting on my running and my goals. I'm not ready to say whether or not my goals are going to change but I am ready to say my attitude is going to change. I've been down this road before. When things don't go well, I pretty much convince myself that I have failed and nothing that I can do will lift me up and out of realm of failure. It's silly, really, and I know that. My immediate goal is to shake it off. These two good runs (and some tough cross training) have helped. So have your comments. Really, I appreciate them so much! I am going to try to keep the Running Laminator's comment in mind as I move forward, because it is something I sure need to remember: "My motto is we're never as fast as we think we are after a good run and never as slow as after a bad one either!" So, I guess I'm not as pathetic as last week would lead one to believe. Yeah! Go me!

Well, that's it. My update. Now, friends, I am off to get ready for my brother's wedding this evening. I'm hoping to have lots of fun, but not so much that I can't get a run in tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Nothing like a couple of good runs to keep your chin up. Good attitude - keep it up!

  2. I have also found for myself that I need a longer warm up before sprinting! I am so glad that worked out better for you. Also my coach says that the first sprint/interval will be slower because your body is not totally warmed up. Have a good rest of the weekend!

  3. A run after a wedding...that's a given day off for me. Have fun!!

  4. That was quite an ordeal last week, huh? Here's to better weeks - also followed (or containin?) good runs!

  5. Your training is mirroring my training. I had the same type of week. I was so down on running. Then I had two pretty good runs at the end of the week and all was well again.

    I plan to remember that motto, too.

    This coming Saturday is my first long run past 13 miles-- it's 14, my longest distance ever. (I did run 13.25 once in a half-marathon from zig-zagging around walkers.) Where are you in training?

  6. Hope you had a great time at the wedding and have been enjoying your weekend.

  7. Nice to hear that the running's going well. I love that's so zen-like!

  8. It's glorious to enjoy the good runs, & it's because of the bad runs that we're able to really appreciate the good ones :)

  9. great attitude and great runs!! keep it up :)

  10. Keep up the good work. I think we've all been there, and if you just keep plugging, you'll get through! Spring is on the horizon! Somewhere!

  11. great comment/quote from the laminator! i like it, might have to steal it :) glad you had some good runs, just keep plugging away when you can!

  12. Great attitude! And it's nice to hear you've turned the corner and are back on a positive track. Hope you had fun at the wedding!

  13. Good job with your attitude and the recent runs. :-)

  14. great attitude! here's too some great runs this week!


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