
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New spring running goals.

After I quit, er, postponed my marathon training, I mentioned that I was formulating some new goals. Having learned my lesson with my last set of goals, I didn't want to put my new ones out there without properly analyzing, re-analyzing, and analyzing them a little more. In other words, hesitating to commit. That's what quitting a marathon training plan will do to you: it turns you into the type of gal who runs away from commitment. And who says things like, "type of gal."

Here's another example. As excited as I was to run the race on Saturday, I didn't sign up for it until Tuesday. I had wanted to run that race for months. I put it on my blog sidebar, for crying out loud and Pete's sake and the love of all that is good!

But I didn't fully commit until the last moment. Huh. What does that say about me?

You're right: It says I'm the type of gal who runs from commitment. I know! I know!

Anyway, I'm working on the commitment thing and I'm starting by announcing my new short-term running goals. They are:
  1. Run a sub-23 minute 5k. Totally do-able. My last 5k was 23:27.
  2. Do some trail running. Vague, sure. That's OK for now because I can refine this goal as time goes on. Maybe I'll run the Indian Ladder Trail Run in July. I've done it a few times in the past and really enjoyed it.
  3. Continue cross training. I've been cross training out of necessity but now that I have more daylight in the evening, I don't need the cross training as much. Only, now I know how good it is for me so I hope to keep up with it at least twice a week.
  4. Decide whether or not to run a fall marathon. Can't commit yet. Need more time to think.
That's it. I'm looking for April, May and June races to put on my schedule. I'm getting close to committing to a few . . . I'll let you know when I do!

Oh, I almost forgot! Runners' Lounge is giving away SOCKS! Head over here to check it out. Who couldn't use some new socks? I sure could.

Have a great week, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. Writing something on the internet means you HAVE to do it! Good luck.

  2. those are great goals!! you still have time to figure out that last one too. breaking 23 min 5k is on my list for the year too :)

  3. i have the same 5K goal -- also pretty close (23:19 in my last one!). i guess i have to let my hip heal first, but i think that's what i'll tackle this summer.

  4. I think those are good goals to have, and similar-ish to mine! You can do it...I have no doubt!

  5. Sounds like a great plan.

    You should come down for the Philly marathon in November!

  6. Sounds like you need a marathon you can sign up for a few days ahead of time. Who doesn't like throwing a few "just in case" 20 milers into her schedule?

  7. A fall marathon sounds perfect!!

  8. Lots of us going for 23:00.... count me in for that one. Mine was 23:37 so I have to take off a little more. We shall see!

    Good luck with all of your goals. We'll hold you to it!

  9. Now you posted your goals - we're gonna keep tabs on you!!

    Kidding :)

    Sub-23 5K? Geez that's FAST!!!

  10. Great goals - you are so close to a sub-23 5K, I'm sure you'll get it!

  11. well its good to make your goals known! you can do it!

  12. Nothing like stating your goals publically to stick to them. :) Good for you! The trail running sounds great, I want to get into that more at some point. My goal is to run a comfy 5K in May and train for a long distance relay in October.

  13. great goals! especially when you struggle with specifics and commitment :) i had to make some of my own goals pretty open so that i could have some leeway with myself. good luck with #4!!

  14. Those sound like great goals! Attainable and challenging... a perfect combination.

    I want socks! I left my little blurb on Runners' Lounge a little bit ago.

  15. Great goals! I really want to hit the trails more too.

  16. Those look like good goals! I hope that you will have time to train for a fall marathon!

  17. You don't have commitment just sign up for races at the last minute.

    Those are great goals.

  18. Since I'm on the "shorter runs, but faster" upswing of things, I think I am going to try for a 24 minute 5K this year - but I know your trepidation at signing up for things too soon. I'm considering the Utica Boilermaker because it's my hometown area, but it's also a 15K and right now that seems far!

    A sub-23!? That's fast!!


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