
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Running with Brooks.

(This week's TiaRT theme at Runners' Lounge is an ode to running shoes, written "in the same number of words as the dollars* it took to buy them." OK . . . I'll give it a go!)

I'm addicted to the Addiction, Brooks' appropriately named motion control shoes. Yes, they’re heavy. Yes, they’re clunky and big. But they contain my feet, forcing my body into a less injury-prone gait.

I used to wear whatever was on sale: Nike, Saucony, Adidas. Then the injuries started. I had my gait analyzed at a running specialty store (something I recommend to every runner) and “the guy” suggested the Brooks Addiction. Six years later, I’m still a fan.

My front hall closet.

Have a great Thursday, everyone!

~ Felice

PS: Barney Butter is giving away free samples! Check it out here. Yum!
PPS: Amanda at Run to Finish is having a goodie bag giveaway here. Double yum!

* My last pair cost me a grand total of $77.50.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the shoes! Great shoes are worth the shout out and price! (they don't seem too bad...better than some I found!)

  2. If it's not broke why try and fix it, right?

  3. I need motion control shoes as well (heavy duty) and have worn the Ariels, but I don't think I've ever seen the Addictions. Maybe we don't carry them here but if I manage to find them, I'll check 'em out.

  4. Brooks are the next shoe I want to try. I've heard good things about them! :)

  5. I love my Brooks, although I am tempted to try asics.

  6. This was really fun to do.. I wrote a poem about my shoes:

  7. I love your stash. I also wanted to write about how much I love the people at my local running store for recommending my shoes, but somehow didn't have enough words. I agree: everybody should do it!

  8. I may have to check those puppies out because I have horribly over-pronated feeted.

  9. Definitely agree with you - I haven't been injured (knock on wood, asides from aggravated right ITB) since I got properly fitted for shoes!

  10. I've heard great thing about Brooks. I need my shoes to be a little flashier than that, but I'm glad you found a pair to keep you healthy.

  11. Nice you brooks addict! I'm a nike addict so my closet is full of those. :) cute picture!

  12. glad you found a shoe that works, it's so hard but so important!

  13. gotta love when you find the right shoe :) my closet is full of my kayanos!!

  14. I used to only wear only Brooks Radius. Until they discontinued them. My last ones I purchased were Brookes Defiance, and Brooks Summon. I like the cushion.

  15. My front door area kind of looks the same as yours! There are tons of shoes (with 4 different people living in one apartment!)

  16. Perfectly named shoes!

    My closet looks like that too, except the shoes are much dirtier
    (I am too embarrassed to post a pic!).

  17. pretty soon we are going to have rooms full of old running shoes! i just "can't" bear to let them go myself. i love finding "the pair" but hate when companies have to go and retire it!

  18. All of your shoes look so clean! After running on dirt roads all the time, I forget what nice, clean shoes are supposed to look like. :)

  19. I purchased my first pair of Brooks Addictions in February. My shins were hurting me so bad from overpronating that I was not going to be able to run my first half marathon, so I did what everybody tells you NOT to do...I ran in my brand new shoes on race day. I only got one short run in beforehand to break them in. I had no problems at all and now I'm a true believer in proper shoes, no matter how ugly they are. These are awful looking, but no one was looking at my feet when I crossed the finish line!

  20. That's great that the same shoe can work for you for so long! They're always "improving" things that don't necessarily need improving :)

  21. my closet is precisely the same but with air rifts.

    that said, I know I need to get somewhere and have my gait analyzed (husband just did that) as Im fine now but could be running toward an injury?

  22. I think I may have found my perfect shoe. After 2 marathons and countless blisters/missing toe nails I am happy to report I love my Saucony's!

    It's so funny how everyone's feet are different!

    I thought Mizuno's were the brand for me and that it was my feet that were weird and causing all the issues.

  23. I love my Brooks shoes too. I switch to something else every now and again, but always come back.

  24. Fun blog! I can so totally relate to the pile of shoes that all look the same. My problem is I keep getting the new ones and the old ones mixed up....

  25. for me its mizunos!! that is a funny picture


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