
Saturday, May 16, 2009

And then we rest.

Rest, rest, rest.

What a day for rest. It's sunny and warm and I have nothing pressing going on. So, my legs will rest. No running today.

After Thursday's speedwork, my legs felt terrific all day Friday. Until I took them out for a run. Then they felt like lead. The lead legs forced me to slow down my pace, which was actually a really good thing. My recovery runs have been too fast in the past. Yesterday, my recovery run was completed at an on-target 9:21/mi pace. Yes!

Now, rest. I hit the farmers market with Conal this morning, but only after lounging around in our jammies for a good hour after waking. We came home for lunch and a tickle fest.

This rest will do me good.

Are you resting? Racing? Just taking it all in? Whatever you're up to, I hope you're having fun!

~ Felice


  1. I'm curious what farmers market you go to? I've been looking for a good one! Have you been to the one at the crossings? is it any good?

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! Enjoy!

    Love the new layout, btw!

  3. Enjoy your free day! Mine is tomorrow. Whoohooo! :)

  4. My legs have been lead since the marathon. I think I did too much, too soon.

    I'm going to take your post to heart and rest a couple of days!

  5. Sounds like a lovely day. I love nice rest days like that. Enjoy your weekend :)

  6. I did a 6km for the first time yesterday (!). So today, I rest too. Getting my meals ready for the rest of the week. Have a lovely rest day!

  7. what a nice rest day! I have my long run tomorrow then start to taper off!

  8. glad you had a good rest day! hope the recovery run helped shake the lead out of your legs.

  9. Ahhh, rest. That's what I'm doing now. My first rest day in 12 days. My legs are happy!

  10. Love that tickle fest! My target is typically the hammy-whammys, at least on my youngest one - he loves getting tickled, while my older one has never liked it. Enjoy your well deserved rest!

  11. Rest, rest... what a lovely concept. It's so important in every aspect of our lives (work, play, kids, gardening, thinking, reading) and all to often we feel like quitters if we do what our body tells us to do... rest.

    I hope you had a lovely day, it was beautiful here too. And, I rested! :-)

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! Good for you and your running (and rest!). I hope I get my pace to be as good as your "recovery run" pace! LOL

  13. Hope you had a great rest day! I ran a 5K on Sat, lots of fun. Today I hit the ellipitcal. I'm trying to take advantage of all the new scenery and gym equipment while I'm visiting the US. I'll have to rest when I get back to Brazil in June. :)

    Oh and the legs=lead days are the worst!

  14. I love the rest days.
    even if I feel as though I COULD TOTALLY WORKOUT TODAY---I FEEL GREAT!
    I know if I dont Im that much more eager to get back to it on the next planned workout day.

    have a great monday!

  15. I like the sound of that day! Especially the farmer's market part.

  16. Rest, trip to Farmer's Market and ticklefest. Sounds like the best day!


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