
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just roll with it.

Sometimes you head out for a run and just feel like you could keep going forever. You get the whole Dean Karnazes thing (as much as one can really get such a thing); it makes sense why he would want to run and run and run some more. Then, other days, you labor through your entire planned route and want to curl up and die by the time you are done, never to run again.

But, you do. You run again and the next run is fine -- maybe even great. Who knows? It doesn't really matter because with running you learn to roll with it. You roll with the weather, roll with last minute schedule changes, roll with injuries. You roll with it, whatever it happens to be.

Like today. Today, I rolled with it.

It's a beautiful day. Sunny. Warm. Just perfect. We've had a bunch of not-so-great days so this one is quite welcome. I would relish an early summer run this evening but I have someplace to be at 7 so I decided to run on the treadmill this afternoon while my son napped.

Good plan, except that, well, . . . my run sucked. Totally cruddy. But, that's what happens. Sometimes you feel great, sometimes you feel cruddy. Tomorrow's another day. Another chance.

And, lucky for me, I have running on my schedule for tomorrow. And the next day. And, I hope, for many days, many months, many years to come!

~ Felice


  1. What an insightful post!

    That's exactly how I felt just now as I wrapped up a run, behind my much faster boyfriend, feeling like a flipping sloth. But you're right, as much as I hated it during and after, I'll find myself going again.

    Thanks for the reminder! :-)

  2. Oh I can relate to those bad runs! But I'm wondering at what point in my career the Dean Karnazes running forever thing comes along? I'm looking forward to that !! Good luck tomorrow, it's a fresh start :)

  3. This is a great post. I've been in a little bit of a running rut the past few weeks and feel like I'm just starting to come out of it - it's the memory of the great runs that's gotten me through some pretty blah ones.

    Hope tomorrow's a better day!

  4. such a great post :) i have had a few of those runs lately but we all just keep coming back!

  5. Ahh to run like dean...I can't imagine just going out one night and running all night!

    At least the weather will be good for the rest of the week (fingers crossed) and we all can get in some nice sunny runs!

  6. So true! Lately, all my runs have been good runs. I have certainly had my fair share of cruddy ones though =(.

    I always remember that quote that's been around the blog scene "I've never regretted a run." So true, even the ones that are a struggle are never regretable.

  7. TOTALLY true! Somedays you just feel great and somedays stink. :) Good reminder Happy Runner! :)

  8. When I was training with Frank Shorter a few years ago he said pretty much the same thing. He suggested you should start out thinking it's going to be a rough day. And if it's not you roll with, you can go harder and longer. If it is a tough day you run through it. The important thing is to complete your workout because you never know how you're going to feel on race day.

  9. Ain't that the truth!! One day the run is awesome and the next day it blows chunks! lol

  10. We all wish we could be like Dean! Wouldn't that be sweet. But you're right, tomorrow is another day. Hope it goes better for you.

  11. Tomorrow will be better :) But you're so right, there's good and bad, and i think the bad ones are thrown in there to remind us to appreciate the good ones more.

  12. Roll with it is so right! Hope you have a better run tomorrow.

  13. I know, there is no rhyme or reason to why some runs just feel better than others. I can be half asleep or hung over and have one of my best runs. But on the days when I've eaten, slept and done everything else well, I might feel like crap.

  14. As a beginner, that was one of the biggest things for me to realize--that for EVERYBODY there are just good days and hard days. Love your post. I totally concur. :)

  15. Keep running girl! Those bad runs can be so frustrating. You're right that we should keep an eye towards the good ones!

  16. Ruuning is a crapshoot. You never know what the day will bring, but I always feel accomplished when I finish no matter how sucky the run is. Here is to another day!

  17. I had one of those the other day. They come out of no where!

  18. We all need to hear this from time to time! Great post- I think I need to hang it on my fridge!

  19. Couldn't agree more...sometimes, you can do everything correctly and you still can't get in the groove. But, your run will be waiting for you tomorrow! More chances are always good things :)

  20. I LOVE those days where I feel like I could go forever, I sure hope Marathon day feels like that. The sucky runs seem to leave my mind faster than the great runs.. Just Run with it..

  21. so true. we need the bad/off days though so that the good ones are even better and more appreciated! hoping today's run is one of those run-forever runs.

  22. Great post. And you;re right. Sometimes getting out the door is a victory.

  23. Great post and so true! They can't all be good, but I hope your next one is better. And the one after that and...

  24. SO true. Just like life. Good days and bad days. Just got keep on keepin' on.

  25. I'm completely with you. I'm just now getting into the groove again where I'm having a lot more of those "wanna just keep going" moments instead of "what in h*** am I doing out here?" times.

  26. Great post! I definitely learned that during half marathon training. I would freak out if I had a bad run and then be all anxious for the next one, and worry about how I was going to finish my training if THIS run was this hard and was fine the next day - great even! By the end, I was just putting in the miles, and knew that tomorrow would be another chance to have a great run even if this one sucked.

  27. ohh i really enjoyed reading this!! i like seeing inside a runners mind..oh title of my post!

  28. An excellent post, Felice :) It's in wait for one of those excellent runs that I'll put up with the cruddy ones.


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