
Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2 of the PR plan.

My first week of training for my 5K PR went well. The intervals were fine. What was I worried about? There was one additional change to the plan, though. I was feeling a cold coming on yesterday so I ran an easier, shorter run (4.67 miles) than I had planned. No worries -- the easy run felt great and was just what I needed to keep the cold away.

The other thing I realized is that I really don't need to do hill repeats during this training cycle. I run plenty of hills over the course of my weekly runs (seriously! You should see how hilly it is around here!) so I believe it would be better for me to replace the hill repeats with a different speed workout. I'm going to try for 6 x 800 @ 3:35.

Here's what's on tap for this week:

Mon: easy 3m
Tues: easy 4m
Wed: 2 mile warm-up, 6 x 800 @ 3:35 w/400 rest, 1.5 mile cool-down (8 total)
Thurs: easy 4m
Fri: Rest
Sat: easy 4m, 4 x 100 strides, 400 recovery (4.5 total)
Sun: Rest

Total: 23.5

I pushed my rest days to later in the week because I'm running a tune-up 5K on Monday (8/7). I'm actually excited for the race because I haven't run one since June. It will be a good test for me.

In other news . . .

I'm in love with my orthotics! My much-anticipated orthotics arrived to very little fanfare about a week and a half ago. I've been wearing them in my trusty Brooks ever since. And, ho ho ho! What a difference they make. My legs feel terrific! Honestly. The orthotics make very little difference for my poor bunion-ized toe. But! My legs! It's like they've been realigned, oiled up and are now moving smoothly. I've noticed a real difference and it makes me wish I had visited a podiatrist years ago.

My advice to anyone who has even the tiniest glimmer of a spark of possible interest in visiting a podiatrist is to do it. Do. It. You can learn about podiatry and find a local podiatrist at the APMA web site here.

And two last things: I have a super-awesome guest post coming tomorrow and a giveaway post on Wednesday. So be sure to check back :-)

OK, everyone, I hope you all have a great week!

~ Felice


  1. Hmmm, I've been thinking about orthotics a lot recently. Glad they're working for you.

  2. Looks like a good plan for this week. Good luck! 800s sound fun. :)

    YAY for new orthotics, especially since they make your legs feel so good. Enjoy!

  3. Wow fun week ahead on the Happy Runner!! That training plan looks great...I am wondering if there are any Labor Day 5K's in my area....hmmmmm...

    Hope you feel better.

  4. Thanks for the links! I'm thinking it's one thing I really need to do for feet and knees are all sorts of out of alignment.

  5. You do your interval after a 2 mile warm up? Wow!

    Ok, I feel like a total sludge. I do a 1/4 mile and worry I ran too much.

  6. Hope your week 2 goes as well as it did for week 1

  7. Jon: I'm old! I need lots of warming up :-)

    Diana: Do check it out. I can't believe the difference the orthotics have made. I bet your knees will thank you!

  8. Thanks for the podiatrist recommendation links. I really think it's time that I travel in and get checked up. I can't wait to see your race report. each week I get more and more excited for you!

  9. Orthodics huh? I have heard this from several other runner. I don't think it's financially feasible right now, but perhaps in the future. Glad your training is going well!

  10. Like the plan for the week! Good luck on your tuneup 5k, and yay for the orthodics!

  11. every once in awhile I get all jazzed about getting some custom insoles..and then it fizzles and i just buy more shoes :)

  12. I like your PR plan - I need to do some of those speedy workouts too!

  13. Ugh, seems like everyone is getting sick. I'm trying to pull through my least I'm still getting my runs in. Feel better!

  14. So happy that you and your feet are happy!

  15. Glad the orthotics are working well for you.

  16. Finally with those orthodics! Its about time - glad they are working out for you!! I always end up switching things up in my training plans. As long as you get the workouts in, I think mixing it up also helps your body not get used to a pattern.

  17. Sooo glad the orthotics are working out for you!

    I still have to find a podiatrist who won't tell me to stop running ;)

  18. nothing wrong with pulling back and taking it easy - especially when it pays off with cold-avoidance! glad all went well in the start of your pr mania, here's to week 2! :)

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