
Monday, September 14, 2009

Get the lead out.

First, thanks to everyone who gave me gift suggestions for my mom. I ended up giving her a framed photo of her favorite grandson. OK, her only grandson. But she thinks he's a sweetheart so she liked the photo! And we're going to go out to a nice dinner so the main gift will be an evening out. She enjoys going out to dinner (who doesn't?) so that will be a treat.

As for the rest of the weekend, well, I think I started to feel my age.

My schedule called for rest on Friday, fartleks on Saturday and 5 easy miles on Sunday. Who was I kidding? I had no problem with the rest. That went well. Fartleks? Not so much. Saturday's 4-mile fartleks turned into an easy 4-miler. I couldn't get my legs to speed up. So, I let up on myself, thinking that I worked hard on Monday and Thursday and my legs needed a break. I decided I could stretch out Sunday's run to make up for it.

Yeah, that didn't happen. I pushed and pushed and pushed and couldn't even make it through 5 miles. I stopped at 4.91 and my legs felt like big, honking stumps of lead the entire way. I don't know what was up, other than maybe I just need more time to recover after hard workouts. Maybe my age is catching up with me? Who knows. It was a bit of a drag, though, that's for sure.

No time to dwell. I've got to move on to week 4 of my plan. Here's my schedule:

Mon: Rest (I'll take it!)
Tues: easy 4m
Wed: Warm-up: 1 m easy, 800 @ 4:00, 2 x 400 @ 2:00 (w/400 rest); 10 x 200 @ :45 (w/200 rest); 1 mile cool-down (total: 6)
Thurs: easy 4m
Fri: rest
Sat: 5m fartlek
Sun: easy 7m

Total miles: 26

* * *

Today's a big day here in Happy Runner-ville. My little guy starts gymnastics today and he is beyond excited. He's been doing somersaults all over the house and tons of flips on my bed. I hope the class lives up to his expectations!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Happy Monday!

~ Felice


  1. I am with you on the heavy legs! Struggling.....

  2. Age-shmage. You just needed a little break! Hopefully those legs will not be so heavy this week.

    I hope gymnastics goes well!

  3. its not your age - sometimes we all just need a break! i am sure you will be back on this week and at least you got some mileage in! Good luck to Conal - hope he enjoys the Gymnastics!!

  4. Ug, I know that lead feeling. Boo. I blame the 500 M&Ms though. :o)

  5. Listen to your body. The difference between 4.9 vs 5 miles is no big deal. But if you aren't feeling it. It's time to stop. You'll be fine.

  6. Ooh, gymnastics! My son is doing that as well. Maybe its at the same gym?

  7. I had lead legs today too.. At 30 can I call it age?? fun!

  8. Good luck to you and the little dude! Hopefully both of you will have great weeks with your physcial activities.
    I'm like a 12 year old...fartleks make me laugh every time. Although, that's probably because I haven't tried them yet. I think that's the key...they stop being funny once you try them!

  9. Wow we are running very similar schedules, though I am just starting week 3.

    I had a crappy run yesterday so I know how you feel. Some runs suck. Just forget about it and record your mileage. Besides, that .09 miles, is a freaking rounding error in my opinion.

  10. fartleks are definitely tough. good for you for getting out there. and so much fun for your little guy!

  11. I hate those concrete leg runs - no fun! Hope gymnastics is fun. I'm thinking about putting Sophie in a class this winter, just so she can burn off some of that energy.

  12. Sounds like you have a great week planned!

  13. I've had some tough runs lately too. Maybe it's something in the air. Today is an easy run, and it's beautiful outside, so I'll take it. Good luck with the rest of your week!

    And I grew up a gymnast! How fun! Wish they had gymnastics classes for 30 year olds, but I'd probably break a hip or something... :P

  14. Ha I like quix comment, I could so see a bunch of us trying to flop ourselves around...ahh funny. hope the little man has a great time!

  15. yuck i hate lead legs. usually some pampering helps lighten my load - extra stretching, rolling/massaging my quads with the bolts, or taking an ice bath. no worries about pulling back on the run, better to be safe than risk injury. hope they are feeling more springy today/this week!

  16. I know the heavy leg feeling all too well. It isn't fun.

    Hope the little guy liked gymnastics!

  17. Just catching up - that sounds like a nice gift for your mom, and good job with the training, your legs will benefit from a rest!


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