
Friday, September 25, 2009

Stay away, sickness. And a POMx Tea review.

It's a mishmash this Friday!

First, my Friday review. Janny at POM Wonderful recently sent me a selection of POMx Teas to review. After reviewing the regular POM pomegranate juice a while back, I was looking forward to trying out the teas. I was sent four bottles to try:

Pomegranate Blackberry Tea
Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea
Pomegranate Peach Passion White Tea
Pomegranate Wildberry White Light Tea

I must admit that I am not the biggest bottled tea drinker. I've had my fair share of Snapple in my day but it's just not what I normally go for. I like brewed and unsweetened iced tea but if a tea tastes fake-ish, I don't like it. Often, bottled teas taste either too fake-ish or too sweet.

Anyway . . . the POMx teas didn't have that problem. The Peach Passion White Tea was my fave. The Blackberry . . . not so much. I didn't love it. But, they all tasted real and not too sweet. Pomegranate is a bit of a strong flavor (which I like a lot) and that came through in the teas. The regular teas are 140-160 calories per bottle and the light teas are 70 calories per bottle (don't be fooled by the "only 35 calories per serving" starburst on the front -- there are two servings per bottle, doubling the calories).

You can read more about the POMx Teas here.

* * *

Now for the sick part of my post. Ha!

I mentioned earlier this week that Owen caught a pretty bad cold and he ended up having to miss two days of work. He slept most of the time that he was home, and he was really in rough shape -- coughing, sneezing, feeling generally awful. Well, when one person in a family gets sick, it is only a matter of time before the others do.

Yup, Conal caught "it" yesterday. He had a fever of 102 (yikes!) and was sluggish and just completely not himself. I felt so bad for him! Luckily, he woke up this morning without a fever and was back to his regular, active toddler self! Oh, yes, that is my little guy jumping off the back of the sofa . . .

As for me . . . well, I am loading up on the vitamins C and D, washing my hands a lot and hoping, hoping, hoping that I can continue to outrun (ha, ha) whatever bug is going around. I've got two big runs on the schedule for this weekend, along with a dinner party tomorrow night. So, yeah, I'm not down with the sickness. Not one bit!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. My hubby has been sick as well and I have been loading up on Vitamins and hand washing like crazy. I hope we can both stay healthy!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Ooooo I hope you don't get sick either. It's so easy to do with the temperatures changing and all. You're smart to keep washing your hands frequently.

  3. I hope you avoid the ick. It's hard to avoid it when you're the mom, though...

  4. the teas sound yummy. Sorry to hear Conal got it. hope he feels better soon, and that you don't catch it!!

  5. Oh man! Hope you can steer clear of the sickness!!!!! Glad everyone is feeling better!

  6. Yes, don't be down with the sickness. Who even knows what that band was talking about. LOL!

    Drink lots of fluids!

  7. Hope you don't get sick! I thought i might be coming down with something earlier this week but it looks like i dodged it this time around!

  8. Emergen-c. It is my sickies-preventing drug of choice. I will send healthy thoughts your way... :)

  9. Glad he got over it quickly! I hope you don't catch it. No good.

  10. Ugh, sick guys are so sad! Wash your hands and stay well!

  11. bet it's all those great vitamins in the tea keeping you healthy...oh and the running..oh and the good hygene...oh and the healthy eating

  12. My bet is that it is the running. Exercise does a body good!

  13. Relaxing would be nice - instead, I'm running a conference tomorrow :)

    Hope those vitamins keep the bug at bay!

  14. Good luck keeping the cooties away. Happens rarely that we escape it, but once in a while...

  15. Hope that POM tea keeps you healthy!!

  16. I swear running and a glass of wine fight off sickness. Stay healthy!

  17. White or Green Tea is the only way to go. Two cups a day will do your body. It'll keep you well and it's delicious too. Learn all about it at:

  18. Hope your are able to stay healthy. I am so afraid of catching a cold.. so many people are sick!

  19. hope conal is feeling better and you have managed to continue avoiding the bug!

    thanks for the tea reviews. i am not a big tea drinker, but my fiance and mom are so i will let them know!


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