
Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Yesterday was a stellar, non-running day. Conal had gymnastics in the morning, followed by a good speech therapy session. Before and after the running around, we colored and played and enjoyed ourselves. After his nap, we ran errands and spent our car time cracking jokes, which made him laugh so much he had an almost constant string of drool coming out of his mouth. Gross, yes, but evidence of a good time.

This morning, we met friends and went apple picking. It's a beautiful day and Conal had a blast pulling the apples off the branches.

And yet, it is almost impossible for me to stop thinking about "what's next." What's next, that is, in terms of running.

Last night, I was hunting for upcoming 5Ks. I've got to stop! Then, I started to read a new book, Fit Soul, Fit Body by Brant Secunda and Mark Allen. I'm just 27 pages into the book but that's enough for me to see that the training break I mentioned in my last post is not only a good idea, but really important for me right now.
You can only do so much with the body, and so much more with the mind . . .
-- from Fit Soul, Fit Body
I imagine this is true. So I'm on a brain quest. In addition to starting this book, I also ordered Matt Fitzgerald's Brain Training for Runners. I need to train my brain not to melt down under pressure.

In the meantime, I'm trying to not think about races or training. I'm having fun. I'm looking forward to getting out for a run this evening. Perfect apple picking weather is also perfect running weather and I'm going to take advantage of it.

Have a great day!

~ Felice


  1. yup, I know how you feel....I've been thinking the same thing since my half marathon and that was a month ago!

    btw, as a running mom, I have an Amazing Grass Kidz giveaway you might be interested in....

  2. Keep us posted on how the Brain book is. I'm interested...

  3. I'm always looking for new books, so keep us updated. Sounds like you're going down a good path though.

  4. That is an excellent quote! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a great day!

    Sounds like a good book. I can appreciate that quote.

    Have a great run!

  6. I'd be curious to see what you think of that book. My library didn't have it available, so I was thinking of having them get it from another branch.

  7. Just found your post I think a few weeks ago and I have to say you already sound pretty healthy about your running. I couldn't agree more that sometimes we just need to break away from the training cycle and allow ourselves to just run. I would love a review of the book by Fitzgerald- sounds interesting! :)

  8. Funny when I race I try to go on autopilot.. Me and the road racing my Garmin...or even better the person in front of me. No thinking, no brain required.

    Enjoy having fun!! And then register for a race to run for fun...may put your head right back where it should be..

  9. I'm a huge believer in the mental part of sport being so much bigger than the physical, I did target shooting as a sport for years and a lot of that was based on the mental side of things ... its very very interesting how huge the power of the mind is - now I've started running I'm hoping I can call on some of that old training ... at the moment I'm still just putting one foot in front of the other though ;)

    I'll be interested to hear what you learn!

  10. Crazy how we're our own worst enemies, huh? I'm glad you're getting it all figured out! I can't wait to here a little more about it.
    Good luck!

  11. perfect apple picking weather *is* perfect running weather. hope you had an enjoyable run. :-)

  12. What a fun day with your little one! Apple picking? How fun! I can only read books about it to my K class...what a world away!
    Glad you enjoyed your rest day...

  13. I CAN NOT WAIT FOR YOUR REVIEW of the book.

    actually I can not wait.

    I may see if I can get it on my kindle?


  14. Hello, Felice.

    How true! The mind (and the brain) turn out to be far more trainable than anyone ever thought.

    Happy non-running day.

  15. I think taking a break is a great idea. And so is apple picking! Wish we had that here. Guess I could go orange!

  16. love the quote.. thanks for sharing. I will remind myself of this, while running my next marathon. Let's hope I don't need to repeat it to many times. :)

  17. Those sound like some good books! Enjoy the rest - I know that i needed the break from running!

  18. I read Fit Soul, Fit Body a few months ago and really enjoyed the messages. Yes, we all need to take a break from the constant stress of training and remember to enjoy the world around us. Glad you're getting out and enoying the apple picking weather with Conal, that sounds fabulous!

  19. i ordered it today too... we will have to compare notes :)

  20. Apple picking sounds like so much fun - and a great time for you and Conal!!

    Keep us posted about the books - I could probably use a break, too but when you are a runner, you never want to stop. Good luck!

  21. I need to read that book. Taking care of the mind is as much a part of total wellness as taking care of the body, yet too often we seem to forget that. Thanks for the reminder!

  22. Yay for having fun! I have been wanting to read that Brain Training book . . . might need to add it to the Christmas list!

  23. I love your blog. So much useful information. Thank you.

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