
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Helloooooo, Genie!

Do you ever wish you could have your own genie to grant all of your running wishes? Maybe à la Barbara Eden?

Well, that's the theme over at Runners' Lounge today for Take it and Run Thursday. So let's get wishing!

This week's sponsor is Julia, author of her blog, Chocolate Shoestrings. Julia knows all runners have dreams and wishes, so she invites us to share ours. Julia asks:

If a genie were to appear and grant you any three running wishes in the world, what would you choose? It can be anything from superhuman powers, new running inventions, race entries, shoes, you name it!

What would be your three wishes?

I've often found myself mumbling the words, "I wish . . . " about something related to my running. I wish I had more time to run, I wish I had more endurance, I wish I was faster, I wish my foot didn't hurt so much, I wish, I wish, I wish.

If I could be granted three wishes, though, I know exactly what I would ask for:
  1. First, and most important, I'd wish for my toe problems to completely disappear. I'm afraid of the surgery. I mean, surgery is just so, blech. And then there's the three months without running during the recovery period. The alternative, though, is to continue to run (and walk, stand, sit, lie around) with the pain. Doesn't seem right. So, toe problems -- gone. Yes, that would be my first wish.
  2. My second wish would be to have as much time as I'd like to run, whenever I feel like running, for as long as I feel like running. What often happens is that I feel like running but can't because of any number of things. Or, I get going on a run and would like to keep it going for a few more miles than planned, but can't because I need to get back.
  3. And then, since I'm working with a genie here, I have to have the shallow wish. I wish that I could have an endless supply of extremely flattering running clothes. You know, a huge closet full of shorts that don't ever bunch up but make my legs look lean and long. Tops that slim my torso and show my arms to their best advantage. Lots and lots of flattering gear. That would rock. Rock!
And then I'd be perfectly happy. A perfectly happy Happy Runner!

What about you? What are your running wishes?

~ Felice


  1. Hi Felice! Great wishes! Maybe it's the angle but don't you think BE has some odd abs? Ha like I should talk!

  2. Great wishes! I could definitely enjoy some endlessly flattering running gear myself.

  3. Fun post!!! I like your wishes and think that #1 could work out. Just gotta get the surgery. I know, stupid, but hopefully it'll make your toe all better.

    I wish for speed. I just really want to be faster. It's simple and probably silly, but I want to go fast. :)

  4. Those are some good wishes!
    I know it won't happen without surgery, but hopefully number one gets taken care of!

  5. Flattering running clothes!?! You should design those for us all, please. Start with the shorts please!

  6. Great post and fun topic! My first wish would to be injury-free also. By the way, I love "I Dream of Genie"... I must have watched that show a million times as a kid!

  7. Oh, can't I just use one of my wishes for more running wishes? No? Okay then, my three would be:
    1. No running-related injuries...EVER...for all my bloggy friends.
    2. For all my friends, family, and everyone I come into contact with to find the motivation to run a mile, a quarter of a mile, or just a block know the joy of running.
    3. Perfect running weather everyday of the year!

    But I guess your wishes could work for me too!

  8. Love your wishes. I agree about the ability to run whenever and for however long you want. Sometimes I think that must have been what it was like before I had a child, but I don't remember feeling that free. :) Didn't appreciate what I had . . .

  9. Very nice..I would like to find some butt-flattering shorts/capri/pants. Where the hell is that Genie?

  10. 1. No stomach problems during a race!!! Ever!!!

    2. More speed so I can quality for Boston.

    3. Perfect weather for every run.

  11. #3 is a good one. Wouldn't that make life a whole lot easier : )

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. hhehe... i used to watch that show!!! nick at nite woo woo!


    i loved all your three! my first one is like your first one, but injuries in general. i'm sorry about your toe issues!! i will have to read back and find out what the problem is.

    and time-- what an all around issue. agreed.

    also-- flattering clothes-- heck yaahhh!

  13. Hmmm, great topic. Lesse...pretty close to what your are, I'd say...

    #1 That running actually helps me LOSE the last 20 lbs instead of GAINING weight. It seems so counter intuitive, but since I started seriously running (well, serious for me), the weight loss sloooowed, stopped, and has started to reverse. :P

    #2 A full set of workout gear for all weather conditions. Plus some new spiffy shoes.

    #3 Perfect running weather all year round and the time to enjoy it.

    The rest, I can work out on my own!

  14. Haha! I'd be afraid of having #2 come true - it's only because of time crunches that I actually speed up some of my runs :)

  15. Love #3! :) Seriously, why can't more gear be a bit more flattering?!?!?

  16. I think its funny how we all picked wanting enough money to buy clothes or an endless supply of clothes! Hopefully you can get your toe problems figured out - I am sure if you have the surgery you will not regret it.

  17. shoot call me shallow then too, because I'd prefer to stop looking a little frumpers when I run...been trying to replace some old t's but they are so comfy

  18. got me into the mood now. Running clothes and shoes will definitely be on my wishlist. And since we have genie power, why not wish for no injuries ever and sub 3-hour marathon?

  19. My running wish is to finish my first half marathon tomorrow and not get injured and finish with a smile on my face!!

  20. First thing that comes to mind... I just wish I could get all of that little bit of water in those little race cups into my little mouth!!!

    And I hope your toe problems disappear, too. No fun!

  21. great wishes! my shallow wish would've been to have a rockin' bod, so yours is not-shallow in comparison :)


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