
Friday, December 18, 2009

Five things Friday, ep. 7: And, Cans for Comments #3!

  1. We're signing up! Suzy is on board for the Winter Marathon Relay so our team is all set: Amanda, Suzy and me. We still need to figure out who will run each leg (9.2, 5.7, 11.3) but we have some time since the race is still two months away.
  2. I reviewed Chocolate #9 energy gels over here. (I also posted the winner of my last giveaway.)
  3. My plans to run in our local Winterfest 5K this weekend fell through. I procrastinated, so it's my fault but, really, I never thought the race would sell out. And yet it did. When I went to register earlier this week, it was closed. No more entries available! Argh. Oh, well. That's what I get for waiting until the last minute to sign up for a race.
  4. It is ridiculous how long a silly song from a kids show can stay in your head. Ridiculous!
  5. Today is the third Friday in my Cans for Comments campaign. Comment away! Remember: For every 5 comments left on my site each Friday in December, I'll donate a can of food to the Food Pantries for the Capital District. So far, we're working on 13/14 cans -- help me to increase that number! Thanks!!! (5.1: Marlene at Mission to Another Marathon is doing Cans for Comments, too!)
Have a great weekend, everyone. Stay warm! And thanks for reading!

~ Felice


  1. 1. We are awesome!
    2. I will check it out. I love Hammer head chocolate gels
    3. Same thing happened to me :(
    4. You are so right!!
    5. Love this idea - you're awesome!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. You missed registration? Damn! I'll be missing you then. :( We'll be thinking of you as we're running in cold dark Albany. :)

    The relay sounds very cool.

  3. I hate it when I miss registration. I hate it even more when I register REALLY early for a race and wind up injured, therefore wasting my money.

  4. Yay Friday! Too bad about that race : ( Hope you have a good weekend and stay warm!

  5. once i forgot to register for a race until it was too late - and i was thisclose to driving 2 hours away to run it!

    yay comments for cans!

  6. 1. I LOVE LOVE the Bloggy meet ups and raceing together. I have found 3 local Bloggers so far and it makes me SMILE!

  7. 2. I have some Chocolate Mint Gu that I am AFRAID to try, but will this weekend.

  8. 3. BUMMER!! I wish there was a way to tell how close a race is to selling out.

  9. 4. Or any song for that matter "I got a Feelin..."

  10. 5. Oh it's cans for comments day?? Wow sorry, I was just feeling really wordy today.. LOL!!

    Throw some Pears in the box for me.. HUGS!!

  11. Yay for the relay - that will be an awesome post!

  12. (following Mel's lead)
    I cannot do Hammer gel, does not agree with me! I am enjoying the Vanilla Gingerbread Gu right now though!

  13. Sorry about the race - maybe you could make your own little 5k this weekend? And just think - an instatn AG win!

  14. I always have some stupid song in my head, and now, thanks to Mel, it's the Black Eyed Peas, "I gota a feelin'" :(

  15. You are one cool lady, love the cans for comments Friday. You inspired me a couple of weeks ago do to my own giving - thank you! And happy Friday! :)

  16. a marathon relay sounds fun! i can go crazy when i get a random song stuck in my head - i might explode if it was a wacky kids tune! :)

    love the cans for comments going around. i think it's an excellent idea :)

  17. Good news on the marathon relay!

    Bummer about Winterfest selling out. Hope you find something fun to do this weekend!

  18. Congrats again on the race. Too bad about the other one though.
    How many cans are you up to?

  19. That is great that you are doing the relay! Sorry to hear about the registration. That reminds me that I need to sign up for my 5K in January :-)

  20. A marathon relay sounds like so much fun!

  21. I just got some of those gels from a friend - I'm looking forward to trying them out.

  22. I just got some of those gels from a friend - I'm looking forward to trying them out.

  23. You are going to have so much fun on the relay! Can't wait to hear all about it! Make sure you stock up on baby wipes!!!

  24. What a great idea - cans for comments. Good for you! Sorry to hear about the registration being closed. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  25. woot woot to the relay, you will have a lot of fun

  26. I love the fact that we are going to run the relay!!

  27. Wow! Love the idea of a marathon relay and have always wanted to run one. Have a blast!

  28. Thanks for helping feed the hungry!

    I would go second or third. Or if you go first, keep running the second leg anyways, otherwise you will cool down and your sweat will freeze!

  29. The relay sounds like SO much fun! Hey, I listen to kids' songs all day long and chant them in my sleep, ugh! It's so hard to get them out of my mind sometimes!

  30. I just finished up cans for comments on my blog tonight! :) good luck!

  31. Add a can for me!! The winter relay sounds fun!

  32. I hate it when races sell out!

    Let's make it to 40....

  33. Yay for marathon relays! Sounds like fun. I just can't do gels. Too much sugar at once = icky belly. I like sport beans - on my last half I took a caffeinated pack at around mile 5 and then again around mile 9. Oddly enough it's the only time I ingest caffeine on purpose.


Comments make this happy runner EXTRA HAPPY! Thank you, thank you!