
Saturday, February 27, 2010

When is the flu not the flu?

Last night, I was lying on the couch, watching Night #I've-Lost-Track of the Olympics when I started feeling a little cruddy. My back was achy and my shoulders felt tight. My arms were sore and my legs felt heavy.

Body aches, I thought. Must be the flu!

This late in the season? Could it really be that I survived until now -- the end of February -- with barely a cold and now -- now -- I get hit with the flu?

I moaned. And groaned. And felt sorry for myself and made the husband feel sorry for me, too. I was convinced that my fun weekend plans were doomed. I was bummed.

And then it hit me. That pain across my shoulders was familiar, but not from memories of influenzas past. No, that pain was the familiar muscle soreness that follows weight-lifting sessions.

Oh, yeah! I cross-trained on Thursday!

Well, duh. So it wasn't the flu after all. Body aches, yes, but more like delayed onset muscle soreness from a good workout. I guess that's what happens when you have too much time off between cross-training sessions!

So, I'm still flu-free. Bring on the rest of the weekend! Hope yours is a good one!

~ Felice


  1. That's a happy surprise, isn't it? Enjoy the weekend flu free.

  2. Good it's not the flu.
    My aches and pains after strength training start two days after the workout, not the next day. That often confuses the heck out of me as to why I am suffering.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Fingers crossed you remain flu free !!:D

  4. Hehe....isn't it funny that our minds automatically go to an illness. Glad its not the flu and you can enjoy your weekend! PS I've gotten the flu before in SUMMER! not cool...

  5. DOMS is much better than the flu!

  6. Thank God you did not have the flu. I am starting to get over a cold that I have had for a few days. To have DOMS feels a lot better than being sick. Although I have a question. After I get done with my long runs, I feel some what feverish. IS this normal?

  7. I had those saem thoughts before. Oh crap, coming down with a flu .... wait, No, that's sore muscles! The feeling is pretty similar, but thankfully the sore muscles move on faster. Glad it wasn't the flu for you.

  8. I just hope you didn't jinx yourself with this post :)

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  10. Glad you're not sick. I'm glad that I'm done with mine.

  11. Whew...close call! Glad you're not sick!

  12. glad it is 'just' the doms! i like that sore feeling, but boy does it make me walk/stand/sit funny :)

  13. so funny that's exactly how I felt a few months ago whe nI started getting back in to lifting and all kinds of stuff that was not running

  14. Well I am glad you don't have the flu! Hope you had a great weekend!

  15. Love when you know you a workout actually did something.

  16. What a great resource!

  17. I'll take DOMS over the flu ANY DAY!

    Glad your weekend didn't get ruined by some nasty bug :)

  18. So glad it isn't the flu! Have a great week.

  19. I keep stressing that I have the flu everytime I dont feel good! Glad you are okay :)

  20. I can definitely see how DOMS would be mistaken as a flu. Good to know you are healthy and just recovering from a good workout!

    (I often mistake aches in my abs as cramps while running!)

  21. So glad to hear you're not sick! I just missed 8 days of running because of a persistant cold, though thankfully not the flu. With any luck you'll stay away from it this season! Hey, good luck with your new running group, too, that sounds like a TON of fun!!


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