
Friday, March 19, 2010

Five things Friday, ep. 17.

1. I am absolutely, positively in love with this weather! Sunny and warm -- just terrific.

2. My computer is all fritzy. I'm not going to go so far as to say it is actually on the fritz. Just close. It's been infected by who-knows-what and I spent the better part of a day trying to fix it. My hope is that all of the problems were related to the weird-o trojan that decided to settle in and wreak havoc.

3. Yesterday (another perfect weather day!), I helped a friend from the running group run/walk for 2.5 miles. That's longer than we went during the first group run. There were a few times when I had to change up the day's plan on-the-fly and it felt good to respond to her needs and make it so she was able to complete the full 2.5. After the run/walk, she told me that the last part "really sucked, but in a good way." She was proud that she stuck it out and I think she did a great job!

4. After shouting from the rafters about how great I've been feeling so far in the pregnancy, I'm feeling a little wiped out. I almost feel like a cold is coming on, but there is no way I'm going to let that happen. I'm resting, getting some sunshine, loading up on vitamin C and I will keep whatever it is away.

5. I'm a bit of a crusader when it comes to Lyme disease. The areas that are at risk are growing, which is scary to me. When caught early, the severity of the disease can be reduced but, unfortunately, symptoms aren't always caught. You can read more about steps runners can take to reduce their Lyme disease risk here.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling the best. Take care of yourself and enjoy the weekend!

  2. I've heard a lot about Lyme disease lately too. Scary stuff. And seems lots of docs miss it. Jealous of your warm weather. We are in snow here.

  3. Rest up and have a nice weekend!

  4. I hope you can ward off the cold! Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for the Lyme Disease reminder - some of the youth I work with recently had a run in with some ticks - scary stuff!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. hope you feel better soon. :-)

  7. I'm also LOVING this weather!

    You'd think I'd actually run in it...


  8. I am loving the weather here too except it is getting kind of cold : ( I want the warmth back!!

  9. it snowed here yesterday, on the first day of spring, but today is sunny too (that's pretty much how crazy kansas weather is)....

    i am so glad it is getting to be shorts wearing weather again....

  10. I hope you can hold off on getting a cold! My allergies were horrible with both of my pregnancies. I do not know what that is about!? I hope you have a wonderful week!

  11. We had such incredible weather all week, but go figure... it was cold, dreary and windy all weekend. No fair.

    Hope you were able to fight off that cold!

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