
Saturday, March 27, 2010

You walk, you sweat.

As a runner, I'm not much for walking. Family walks? I'm all for those. Walks with friends? Sure. But, just walks? Walks for exercise? Not really my thing.

Except now. There's just something about being pregnant that brings out the walker in me. It happened with my last pregnancy and it is happening this time around, too.

Yes, I am still running and enjoying it but there are days when I just want to walk. And so I do.

But let me tell you -- this whole walking thing, especially when done at a quick clip, is making me one sweaty mama. Nothing like running (oh, wow, do I sweat when I run), but more than you would expect. Or at least more than I would expect. So, I guess I know I'm getting a good workout, huh? Guess so.

Some days I need to run; I have the energy to run and I do. Other days, though, I don't. And walking is proving to be a good substitute. Come summer -- you know, the super-sweaty season when I'll be huge -- walking will probably become a trusty friend.

Hope you're having a great weekend!

~ Felice


  1. Once, every two weeks, I go on a power walk with my husband. It is usually 10 miles. This week it was 13. I swear that walking is harder on my body than running. I get my heart rate up, my glutes hurt and it takes my legs a good day to recover. Enjoy your walks!

  2. Yeah, I've seen some speedy walkers! Speaking of walking, I walked 4 miles yesterday on my non-running day. I walked to an art fair held a couple of miles from my house.

  3. oh i loooove to walk! It's one of my favorite things to do to just enjoy being outside in great weather. I think I learned to love it more when I was injured as it was my closest connection to running

  4. Walking is great. I think it uses slightly different muscles than running, so you're getting a good workout doing both!

  5. Good for you. I think that's what pregnancy should be all about--doing what feels good.

  6. my boyfriend calls me a sweaty beast.

  7. OK I am not pregnant but honestly I have had the urge to walk all week instead of run. Crazy but maybe it is the weather.

  8. That's so great you're walking so much right now, you'll bounce back better after the baby comes. Glad all is going well :).

  9. I was a walker before I was a runner and loved it. I walked many miles when I was pregnant! I often threw up on my walks. Is that TMI?

  10. Walking definitely counts! Glad you're getting out there.

  11. I always enjoyed a good long walk, but never really appreciated it until I was injured.

    Post some belly shots mama!!!

  12. I didn't really appreciate walking as exercise until a couple years ago, when I told my dad I'd walk a half marathon with him. I did my usual running training as I prepared a different event, and then showed up with him on race day. Holy cow, walking at a fast clip is hard! We were pushing a 13:30/14:00 minute mile, and I was hurting something fierce by the end.

  13. When I actually get to see Spike one of our favorite things to do is go for a walk together. I love that it's like a pregnancy craving for you. :)

  14. I walked a lot when I was pregnant, and really enjoyed it. And yes, I got super sweaty too.

  15. as i've been studying for my personal training cert, there's so much about walking that i've learned. i've always heard that it's so good for us, but now I'm really learning about it. you can accomplish a lot of the same goals as running by walking!!

  16. First of all - CONGRATS!!! I have been a slacker as well with the commenting and blogging (but my break is due to slightly-less-life-changing work stuff) and haven't been by in a while! That definitely makes your leg of the marathon relay that much more amazing!!! :)

    As for walking - I love it for transportation, I love it for spending time with my Zliten, but as exercise? Meh. Not a fan. Takes too long for too little calorie burn. Now, talk to me if/when/someday I'm in the same situation and I bet I'll be right along with ya.


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