
Friday, April 30, 2010

Five Things Friday, ep. 21.

1. What a week! First, there was the whole hospital episode with Conal and my SIL's surgery (she had two this week and is still in the hospital) and then there was the group run mix-up and then, to top it off, I gave myself the most painful injury I think I've ever had: I scratched my cornea. Holy searing pain, Batman!

For two days (no lie!) I was completely out of commission. I couldn't really see, my eye was red, puffy and tearing like crazy. And that doesn't even get to the pain. The pain was, at times, unbearable. It felt like dozens of daggers stabbing me in the eye, nose, cheek, ear, forehead, all at once. The worst part of this whole thing is that I have not been able to take any medication to ease the pain because I'm pregnant. So, I had to suck it up. And it sucked!

I am hap-hap-happy to report that I woke up this morning with MUCH less pain. I should be good to go for the weekend!

2. Conal is getting better every day, too. With my eye thing, he spent a good bit of time at my parents house and I think that was good for him. He needed a little change of scene and entertainment, but couldn't handle too much excitement. Grammy and Pop-pop were just his speed!

3. After not being able to run (or do much of anything, actually) on Wednesday or Thursday, I am dying to get out there and move my legs! Fortunately, warm weather is blowing in so I will have many opportunities. I already told Owen I'm heading out as soon as he gets home from work!

4. I'm behind in everything: I have tons of work to do on my book project, my cupboard and fridge are bare, I haven't read any blogs in days, the house needs to be vacuumed, my flower beds need weeding and I have three reviews to write for the other site.

5. But, even with all the catching up I'll be doing this weekend, I have fun stuff on tap! We have a dinner party to go to tomorrow (Conal is spending the night at my parents . . . yay!) and then a birthday party for a good friend on Sunday. Can't wait!

I hope you all have had less, ahem, eventful week -- and wish you the best for a great weekend! Good luck, racers!!!

~ Felice


  1. I'm so glad you are feeling better! Sounds like less that fun and I don't blame you for wanting to get back out there! Keep getting better!

  2. Yikes, that sounds horrifying painful. I am glad that both you and Conal are feeling better. Enjoy the weather this weekend! :)

  3. That sounds worse than horrible! And not being able to take anything? Torture! Glad you are on the mend.

  4. Oh NO, that sounds awful! I'm so glad it's feeling better. Hope you can get caught up on everything for the weekend.

  5. OUCH! How did you scratch your cornea??! Happy that everything is getting better, have a great weekend!

  6. What a rough week! I hope your weekend is much more relaxing : )

  7. What a week; hope things look up soon (no pun intended)

  8. Molly -- I am a complete dork and I scratched it with my very own fingernail. No one to blame but myself...

  9. So glad that you and the little one are feeling better!

  10. You've had an eventful week. I hope everything is back to normal and stays normal for a long time!

  11. I totally understand your pain. I scratched my cornea a long time ago and I still remember it!!! I hope you have a great weekend and I am happy to hear that Conal is feeling better :)

  12. Well it sure has not been a good couple of days for you! Hope your eye continues to feel better! And enjoy your dinner party tomorrow!!

  13. Whoa! You had a crazy week. I'm so glad your eye is feeling better. That's scary.

    Enjoy your weekend and have fun.

  14. So sorry about your eye. I know how bad it can hurt!

  15. I think you've had your three things. Life should be good now.

  16. Glad to hear you are both doing better! What a crazy week!

  17. Oh no! I'm glad you're both starting to feel better.

    Have fun this weekend! A great dinner party is a good remedy for a rough week.


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