
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Twenty weeks! That's five months -- I'm five months pregnant. Wow.

That means I am halfway through the pregnancy. I don't want to jinx things but, man, this pregnancy has been moving along. And smoothly, too. I've been feeling great! How lucky am I? Let's hope the luck continues . . .

At the halfway mark I have:
  • Gained 13 pounds
  • Gone up two cup sizes (bra)
  • Fully embraced maternity clothes
  • Continued to run in my regular running shorts
  • Resorted to walking up my hills on occasion (but can often run them)
  • Run two races: A 5.7-miler in 50:25 and a 3.5-miler in 29:59
  • Given up sit ups, but still do some push ups
  • Consumed more butter than any one person probably should AND
  • Learned the gender of my little one
Yup, yesterday I went for my 20 week ultrasound and spent an hour+ watching my little one on the monitor. The doctor checked out the brain and heart and kidneys and the other organs and bones. Everything looked great. All the fingers and toes were there and the legs looked like strong running legs.

The doctor also told us the gender. I was dying to know. Do you want to know?

Oh, just indulge me. Tell me you do! Thank you, you're kind.

So . . .

we're having another BOY!

That's right, you'll be able to call me the Happy Runner Mama of Two Boys soon. Well, in about 20 weeks. Or 18.5 if things follow the pattern of last time (I know they often don't but, I can hope).

Two boys.

I'm excited. I'm ready.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Have a great day!

~ Felice


  1. Congrats on another boy!!!! And congrats for continuing to run! I hope I am able to run when I get pregnant again which will hopefully be sooner than later.

    I had a relatively easy (except for 16 weeks of morning sickness) pregnancy the first time, but I was certainly not in shape before getting pregnant and besides working in a restaurant, did little to no exercise. I hope this time is much different for me and I love hearing stories like yours, of mommas able to keep running. I hope the next 20 weeks are as good as the first!!!! Good luck!

  2. Congrats!! Two little mama's boys! Great job on continuing your running! You are awesome!

  3. Gosh I love reading your blogs!!!!! So excited for you!!!

  4. Congrats to you! So exciting. And I'm so glad that you continue to feel good and things are going smoothly. A true blessing.

  5. Congratulations!!! Another bundle of BOY joy on the way. You must all be thrilled.

    Happy Halfway!

  6. Yay for another boy, so exciting! Sounds like things are great, and you are doing so good staying active.

  7. Boys are so much fun. I guess so are girls but I wouldn't know.
    Good you are doing pushups, This is an amazing exercise. I can imagine that at one point though your belly might make those difficult to do also.
    Enjoy the remaining 20.

  8. We had two girls, and we found out before each one. Having a baby is hard enough, and being able to plan on gender, for clothes, etc., makes it just that much easier. Congratulations and hope rest or pregnancy goes by quickly.

  9. So excited for you! I am the mother of two boys and they are just so sweet to their mama!!

    And, BTW, you are awesome to still be running and doing what you do - kudos to you and here's to a healthy and speedy rest of your pregnancy!!

  10. Congrats! I hope the 2nd half of the pregnancy goes as smoothly as the first half has!

  11. Congratulations! Wow you are doing great; I'm so impressed that you are still doing so much at 20 weeks! You go girl!! Yeah a boy! Good times ahead!!

  12. Welcome to the 2 boy club lady! So glad you pregnancy is going so well :)

  13. Yay for 2 boys!!! how fun!! And great stats for 20 weeks!!

    Half way!

  14. Congrats Felice! Boys are so much fun.

  15. How exciting!! I always wanted two of the same sex :) I would love to have another boy!

  16. That gave me goosebumps. Two boys RULE! Congrats. :o)

  17. Congrats! You are going to have so much fun!

  18. Congratulations! Have you picked out a name yet?

  19. Aw how exciting! Congratulations!!

  20. i know it's easy for me to say since i'm not the one pregnant, but man, this is going fast!!

    congrats on the little boy!!

  21. I think I have told you this before, but having same gender makes your life so much easier! I have 3 boys and the first 2 are about 21 months apart and every since the 2nd boy was about 18 months, they have entertained each other magnificently! It really does make mom's life so nice! The 3rd boy is about 3.5 years younger than the 2nd, so I am not sure what he is going to do while both brothers are in school because I can't bring myself to have a 4th ;)

    Many congrats to you!!

  22. Congrats! Yay for a baby brother :)

  23. how exciting! :) congrats on a 2nd little boy.

  24. BOYYYY <3

    sheesh - already 20 weeks?!?!

  25. Congrats on 20 weeks! And getting two boys. I have two girls and was so excited when the second was a girl too because there was something about having them be the same gender and hoping they would be close and play well because of it.

  26. YAY!! That is such great news! Another boy is awesome! I am so happy for you and so glad things have been going so well for you so far in the pregnancy!

  27. Yeah for another boy :) Do you have a name picked out? How is Conal doing with all the comotion, or is he still unaware mostly? Glad to hear you are feeling well.

  28. Congrats on half way and congrats on boy #2! I am a mom of 4 boys (and 1 girl) and while they are crazy at times, I sure love em! :)

  29. yay for a boy! you are still running so fast! good job!

  30. yay for a boy! you are still running so fast! good job!

  31. yay for a boy! you are still running so fast! good job!

  32. You're outnumbered ;)

    Exciting news!!

  33. A baby exciting. Your oldest will love having a little brother. :)

  34. As a father of boys and with boy siblings I can say that's great!



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