
Thursday, May 13, 2010


Now that I jumped over the pee discussion hurdle, I feel like I could write about anything :-) But, don't worry, I won't do any grossing-out just yet. Although, maybe someday I'll share my most embarrassing running pee story.

Maybe . . .

For now, I'll get back to the same old, same old. I'm once again behind: Two deadlines this week (one already met, the other tomorrow) means that my cupboards are once again bare and the unread posts in my google reader are once again piling up. Add in some injured runners to assist, a son who was up puking (slipped into gross-out, sorry!) last night, a much overdue 2.5 hour trip to the salon for a cut and color and, man! I'm behind.

I need a run!

Fingers crossed for this evening.

So, anyway, I have a question for you: Have any of you ever had a hip injury at the front of your hip? Actually, a little higher than the hip. One of the runners in the new runner group is struggling with that. Everything she's described sounds like ITBS, except that it is more in the front. Her sister thinks it is trochanteric bursitis. Could be either, could be something else. I've given her a reduced schedule this week -- lots of rest -- along with some stretches and strengthening exercises, and she's taking ibuprofen and icing the area. The plan is that if she doesn't see some improvement this week, she'll make an appointment to see a doctor.

If you have any thoughts, please let me know! Thanks!

Now, I'm off to catch up and look forward to this evening's run. Have a great day!

~ Felice

PS: The Subway giftcard giveaway is still going on over here!
And, I posted a milk review and contest info here.


  1. I'm just recovering from a hip stress fracture I endured while training for the Marine Corps Marathon. The pain was at the front of my hip, where my pelvic bone and the top of my thigh meet. I went to an orthopedic who did an MRI and discovered the fracture. Only thing to fix it was 3 months off running.

    Fingers crossed it's not a stress fracture!! :)

  2. I hope that you can manage a run in this evening. As far as injuries go, I have only encountered a heel problem. I am sorry I can not offer any suggestions, as I would sound rather ignorant. I hope your friend can heal up soon though whatever the problem is. As a runner, being injured and not being able to run fully is totally sucky. Take care.

  3. I have nothing helpful to say really... but I used to get a pain at the top of my thigh in the hip area. I would just stretch more and take a few easy days until the pain would go away. I haven't had it hurt in a while and forgot about it until reading this post!

  4. Hmmm...sorry, nothing useful to add. Hope she gets better with RICE.

  5. Same as Igiove... I got a pelvic stress fracture last December, pain right where my femur and pelvis meet on the inside of the thigh, didn't hurt much at first until halfway through a long run it completely gave out. 3 months no running :( I wish I'd gotten an XRay sooner than I did; for the first two months my doc insisted it was a groin strain. I hope its not a stress fracture!


  6. If it's not one thing, it's another! Yikes!!

    Hope you can get that run in tonight!

    And sorry, not sure about the hip.

  7. Sounds like a hip flexor injury to me. Have her google it and read about the symptoms. Lots of ice worked for me. Every step is painful with that injury!!

  8. I've had some discomfort at the front of my hip, almost right in the crease, and my physical therapist said it was muscular, and has me do leg lifts while sitting upright and the leg press machine with the plate as close as it can be, and small reps. It isolates the muscle more (or something like that!) and it has been helping.

    I had bursitis in my hip too, but the pain from that was on the side.

  9. That sounds JUST like my hip flexor. It is related to ITBS.

    Tell her this: DO NOT WAIT. See a dr now. It will only get worse.

    I was only a few muscle fibers from a full tear. I waited a few weeks and all I got myself was no running for over two months.

    Hips are a funny thing, and a nagging injury. My best advice is what I just said...DO NOT WAIT. It could be nothing, but if it is something it is only going to get (much) worse as you wait.

  10. Aww feel better soon my biggest fear is getting hurt running!

  11. i had really bad hip pain, very localized so i don't think it was ITBS. I would think if it was, she might feel it more down her leg?? but i'm no doctor. i'm pretty sure mine was bursitis from everything i read. i could barely roll myself over in bed and if i coughed or sneezed i would scream. and i was dumb enough to not see the doc.

  12. Oh Please. Oh please tell the running pee story! Since I was there and know what happened - I would love for you to tell it! IT IS HILARIOUS!!!!

  13. I would say get an appt with an orthopedic. The hip can be so weird. I wouldnt rule out a hip flexor as those can be in the front of the hip. Hope you were able to get a run in!!

  14. OUCH and no (with regards to the hip thing).

    Did you get the run in last night?
    Im boundANDdetermined to run this weekend.



  15. No fun! I could talk about tendinitis in my foot all day (!!) but nohing of hip pain like that!


    If she's interested she can look at every post I tagged about my hip. After I did a half marathon in March, my right hip was painfully sore...and the pain was slow to go away.

    I never saw a doctor, but RICEd and took Advil. Rolling out my hip flexor and IT band on a foam roller have seemed to do wonders.

    I'm pretty sure my hip pain was actually the result of a tight IT band, which gave me problems in 2007.

  17. Psoas? Super, super difficult to diagnose and pinpoint. I battled a severe psoas injury that resulted from a yoga pose gone wrong. Pain was definitely in the front of my hip, and very "interior" - could never actually touch the pain. Might be worth looking in to it. It sometimes flares up for me if I haven't been running often enough.


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