
Friday, May 28, 2010

Welcome back, favorite!

Like many runners, I have my favorite running socks. What's more, I have my favorite winter socks, favorite shorts-weather socks, favorite racing socks and favorite long run socks. Hey, socks are important!

My favorite shorts-weather and racing socks are my low-cut, thin Drymax socks. For the longest time, I had two pairs and I was always so happy when I would open my socks drawer and they would be clean and ready for me to wear.

And then I lost one. You know how it goes. One day I had two pairs then, after doing the laundry, I had one pair and one lone sock. It's mate had gone missing.

I kept the lone Drymax with the hope that I would someday find the mate, but really thinking that if ever I were to lose one from the working pair, I'd have a spare.

Well. Last night I found the mate!

And I have to tell you how.

Sometime around October every year, I switch the sheets over to flannel and I wash and pack away the crisp summer sheets. Then, in the spring I switch back. I've been back to the summer sheets for about a month now, but I've been mostly using one set. Don't worry, I do change them frequently but I just wash them and put them right back on the bed.

Yesterday, though, I put the sheets in the wash in the afternoon and, because I went out with some friends for dinner, forgot to put them in the dryer. When I got home at 10:00 it was too late to get them dried and back on the bed. So, I went in the linen closet and took out another set of summer sheets.

And what did I find, tucked inside the fitted sheet? Yup, MY SOCK!

Friends, that sock has been gone since last fall and I cannot tell you how happy I am to have it back! I mean, I'm back to two pairs of my favorite socks! Everything is right with the world!

Ah . . .

Well, today's Friday and I'm looking forward to a three day weekend! Have a great day, everyone -- and if you're looking at a three day weekend too, enjoy it!

~ Felice

PS: I'm giving away a $60 gift certificate over here!


  1. haha you are so cute! I know what you mean, though! I have my favorite long run socks and I hate when I didn't do laundry in time to wear them!

  2. I will be having a one day weekend as always, but Hey, I am glad that you found that missing sock. Every time I am missing one, I look up under the bed were my dog ends up taking them to. I always have success. That dog, I tell ya! Little wiener dog sock lover. He does not chew on them, he just likes seeing me look up under the bed I bet. lol. Take care.

  3. Haha! That's great. I always wonder what happens to long-lost socks.

  4. That's hilarious! Now I know where to check for long lost socks!

    Have a great long weekend.

  5. Ok you've given my hope - I am missing one of my favorite socks.

  6. So funny - good thing you kept the other one! Have a great weekend!

  7. my husband found one of my socks in his shirt the other day. he discovered it while he was at work!!

  8. I love to find little suprises like that :)

  9. I bought a new pair of Drymax socks a couple of months ago and lost one after one wear - I'm off to check my sheets!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Haha too funny! Glad you found it!!!

  11. How lucky that you were able to find your lost sock! I almost never have that much luck and my mate-less socks are forever lonely and eventually discarded. Leaving me to wonder - where did the lost sock disappear to in the first place?

  12. haha! I would totally be just as excited as you are to find a missing sock! I guess you were supposed to forget about putting the sheets in the dryer last night!

  13. I found a missing sock recently but it had only been gone for a month or so. Too funny that you found it! Yeah!

  14. Congrats on finding the sock! I love when little things like that happen in life!

  15. I love that you kept your sock waiting for the other to appear. Mine usually get caught in ADP's undershirts so he brings them home from work for me (ok...that sounds weird...he usually gets ready for work at the gym).

    Have a great weekend. I hope you get some nice runs in.

  16. Ah ha ha. That's awesome. Congrats on the reunion. :o)

  17. So glad you found your sock! It's a great feeling when you find something that's your favourite item, isn't it??

  18. That is funny! I have totally lost a sock in other clothes and then found it a while later! Glad you found the sock!! Enjoy the weekend!

  19. I too LOVE my socks. I have a bit of an issue with socks in general so finding a winner would be a real great way to brighten my day.

    I don't like socks outside of shoes. I don't like people touching me with their sock feet. I don't like wearing socks more than a dozen or so times in general...

  20. Love when things mysteriously turn up!! :) Glad the lone sock was reunited :)


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