
Friday, July 16, 2010

Five Things Friday, ep. 25.

1. Gloating, gloating: I was completely honored to be this week's Follow This Mother! on the Run Like A Mother site. (Check out the book-- it's great!) Welcome, welcome to all of you who found my blog through RLAM! I've gotten several really kind comments and emails based on that post and I do appreciate them :-)

2. Went for a great run last night with a friend. We started out around 8:2o because it has just been so hot during the day. And, of course, it was still hot when we were out there but at least it had cooled a little. We managed 3.1 hot, sweaty, chatty miles before calling it a run.

3. I seem to still be in vacation mode because when I went to get my hair cut and highlighted on Wednesday, I had my hairdresser turn up the blonde. Who do I think I am? A sun-kissed blondie, apparently. But, honestly, I love it. I feel all kinds of summery and bright and, who knows, maybe it distracts from my expanding girth.

4. I posted a review of Somnio running shoes over at my other site.

5. This weekend looks to be another hot one. We have a busy day planned for today and then a family birthday party tomorrow (at a house with a pool!) and a baseball game with friends on Sunday. And I'm hoping for another run tonight and Sunday.

Hope you all have a great weekend! And if you are racing -- good luck!

~ Felice


  1. I saw the post about you in RLAM! It was great! Hope you have a great weekend and have some great runs too!

  2. Awesome about the post on RLAM :)
    Have fun this weekend at the pool!

  3. Have a great weekend! Hopefully you'll find a little time to relax in the middle of all the activity!

  4. great RLAM post... way to go!

  5. Congrats on your RLAM post! Woohoo!

  6. You deserve to gloat! Every time I read your blog, I think how perfect your title is. Have a great weekend! (And we'd love to see a pic of the new hair!!)

  7. gloat away! i would too if i were you!

  8. Found you through RLAM. You ALMOST make me wanna have another baby just so I can try running through it. Ummm, nahhh...
    Ran Hudson-Mohawk marathon last fall.... guessing you were somewhere nearby! Look forward to seeing how everything goes for you.

  9. I don't know much about RLAM but I DO know you deserve to honored! I have been following you almost from the beginning and I think you are wonderful!


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