
Monday, August 2, 2010

July recap.

We flipped the calendar yesterday and welcomed August. For me, since I am due right at the beginning of October, flipping the calendar reinforced that I have only two months to go in this pregnancy. It's a real combination of yikes! and woo hoo!

On the yikes! side is the trepidation and the wondering if I am really ready to be a mom of two boys. On the woo hoo! side is the fact that I'm already sick of my restless legs syndrome and I haven't even had it for a full month. Sheesh. Have you ever had RLS? Um, it sucks. I only get it in my left leg and, so far, I'm only having it when I lie down for bed. But, it keeps me from falling asleep and it is one of the most annoying, yet not painful, sensations ever.

Anyway, overall I'm excited to only have two months to go! C'mon October 4th!

* * *

So the other thing that happened when I flipped the calendar is that I looked back on my month of July. It was . . . hmm . . . it was OK. I ran fewer miles than I did in June and, certainly, fewer miles than I had planned and would have liked. But, I knew that the slow down would happen and I'm happy to still be out there. Although, if my last two runs are any indication of how August will be, I may be done. We'll see!

Anyway, here's what July looked like:

July stats:

Running (miles): 41.2
Cross-training (sessions): 3

That's it. About 10 miles a week. I'll take it.

Hope August is starting well for you. Have a great week, everyone!

~ Felice

PS: Don't forget to check out my running shoes giveaway here!


  1. So excited for you and here's to a speedy 2 months so that RLS is a thing of the past and you're a momma of 2!

  2. You will LOVE being the mom of 2 boys. My 2 boys are 3 and 2 (exactly 15 months to the day apart). You will LOVE it! You are almost done!

  3. Good job in July!

    You are already a mom of 2. Just the way you take care of caring for #2 will change in a few months :-)

  4. I had RLS when I was pregnant, too. Boy is it annoying. Hang in there!

  5. 10 miles a week is more than what i'm doing right now and i'm not carrying a baby!

  6. July is a hot month - I think most slipped on our mileage stats last month! Pretty amazing that you're still running & pregnant! The farthest I made it was 6 months along... RLS is the worst! I can sympathize! You're gonna love have 2 boys in a row!

  7. I had RLS every single night when I was pregnant. It was horrible. It continued for a long time afterward too. Now I'm back to only having it every once in awhile thank goodness! Hope the next 2 months goes by quickly for you!

  8. keep up the great running! I can't believe in just 2 months you will have another son! So exciting! Those months are going to fly by! October will be here before you know it!

  9. Do you have a name picked out yet Felice? I bet this is such an exciting time! I hope you are holding up in the heat- 10 miles a week is great :)

  10. I think those stats look pretty darn good for a mommy-to-be! October 4th will be here before you know it.

  11. I've never had RLS (luckily), but my dad has off and on for years. I remember he would actually sleep on the couch so he could jam his leg between the cushions of the back and the seat, and then his leg wouldn't move so much and he could sleep better. True story!

    Wow, it's awesome that you're still running! So inspiring. I found walking a struggle when I was pregnant - my hips just felt so funny all the time! And you'll do a great job as a mom to 2 boys ;)

  12. How exciting for you! In your case, the months need to fly by! Conal needs a little brother as soon as possible!

  13. you will be a wonderful mother of two! no questions :)

    hope you are able to keep a regular-active schedule! i can't imagine having to sit and wait for october!

  14. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?


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