
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


When you're waiting for something big to happen like, for example, the birth of your second child, you tend to become boring. It's a result of fixating on the big thing and all the whens, hows, and what ifs of that thing. All that fixating sorta takes over.

In my case, that means I can barely find room in my brain to think up a less-than-average dinner, I have repeatedly tried to put the milk away in the pantry and I've fallen behind on answering emails, blogging (obviously) and keeping up on the ol' Facebook.

But I am all kinds of on top of the grocery shopping (although my choices have grown increasingly odd and heavy on the cereal), laundry and other things domestic. In other words, I'm a (slowly) walking cliche. You know, the wack-a-doodle preggo lady getting the house all ready for the arrival of baby. Yeah, that would be me.

Only I feel like I'm just hanging out and waiting. The iron pills have boosted my flagging energy a bit and I'm still going for walks and enjoying my 30 minutes routines with the gals on Exercise TV. Other than that? I'm waiting. And waiting. And questioning every little twinge. Googling every symptom, real or imagined.

In other words, fixating.

To put it in runner terms, I feel like I'm in some sort of other-wordly taper. The pregnancy taper. Gathering energy for the big marathon of birth. And feeling antsy while doing it.

Like marathoners who ache to keep putting in the miles on rest days, I long to get going. I would love to head out for a long run or tackle some hills or nail a half-dozen 400s. But the body won't allow it and I know that's for the best and I honestly don't mind. I'm gearing up, people. Gearing up.

About a week to go . . .

~ Felice 


  1. I hope your LO comes soon! Still can't believe he's almost here already.

  2. You most certainly are tapering. I love that analogy of tapering for the marathon of birth.

    You're almost there! This period of waiting and preparing sounds tough.

  3. Waiting at the end is difficult. But the big day will be here soon...

  4. Those tapers can be killers some times. Good luck on yours. I can't wait for the day you post the blog that your taper is OVER and the new baby is HERE!! :)

  5. Well this is definitely a different taper! Good luck!!

  6. It is nice how you related those 2things together :)) wish you all the best in the comming week...

  7. As Marlene said, a very different taper!

  8. I totally love this analogy! It is so true!

  9. This next week will fly by before you know it! Tapering is a great analogy and I love it! Gearing up is the way to go though :)

  10. I love this post! It is a perfect analogy. Enjoy the taper =)

  11. I hope the little dude does not make you wait too long.. HUGS to prego tapering..

  12. I just came across your health and fitness blog. Your article about the pregnancy taper was especially interesting. I especially liked your comments about still doing minimal workouts while pregnant. I am adding you to my favorites. We're in the same industry, the business of encouraging health and fitness. We market a product called The AbStand: We would love for you and your readers to check out our ab workout product. Any feedback would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

  13. Tapering is HARD, but always worth it. Thinking about you in this final stretch Felice, you're going to be fabulous on race day (Birthing Day)!!!! Hugs to you sweetheart.

  14. I love this thought! Yes, you are tapering. I think it's dang impressive that you ran (or ever ran/walked) through all but 2 weeks. I hope you meet your little one soon, and get that first awesome post-partum run! :)


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