
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

#11: Run.

So, the thing is, even though I've re-friended the treadmill, I can only run when I'm not otherwise occupied by such things as:
  1. Breastfeeding (which my son requires frequently)
  2. Changing diapers (which the same son requires even more frequently)
  3. Holding a baby (that would be that same son again)
  4. Making breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and snack (for both sons. And some for the husband. And, OK, much of it for me.)
  5. Trying to write a blog post
  6. Collecting, washing, drying and folding laundry
  7. Breastfeeding (did I already mention that?)
  8. Working (ha! Deadlines? What deadlines?)
  9. Occupying one or both of the boys
  10. Fantasizing about running a 1:50 half-marathon
Last night, I thought I would sneak in a quick run while both boys were in good moods. Owen was going to be late, so I knew I wouldn't have time to run after he got home. I put Niall on a pad next to the treadmill in the basement and let Conal loose to play soccer/football/hockey/basketball.

By the time I got warmed up, Niall was done. I couldn't run while he cried so I called it after 1.5 miles. Whoop-dee-doo.

But, you know, that's what happens. My situation right now is that my little guys come first and my running is, um, maybe 11th on the list. 1.5 miles isn't much, but it is better than nothing and right now, I take what I can get. I'm happy about every mile!

Today, though, I could really go for a long run . . . wish me luck. And cooperative kids!

*     *     *

Speaking of luck, I have a running SOCKS giveaway going on HERE. Do check it out.

~ Felice


  1. YAY for "re-friending" the treadmill. Awesome.

    Wishing you a LONG run from AZ!!

  2. good luck ... I don't own a treadmill I believe that I may be the only one left ... I also didn't own an Ipod until recently.

  3. boy does this sound familiar...Good Luck! hope you get a long run in and the kids are cooperative :)

  4. Number 11... I don't know how you do it!

  5. Great perspective on the whole thing! I still find myself in that boat...I usually run with my 3 and 1 year old when I drop my kinder off. Lately my 3 year old has been making it difficult..."I'm cold! I want to go home!" uggg, maybe later tonight.

  6. Welcome to my world. :-) My run was cut short when the 3 year old came downstairs and said "I waked up." She hadn't even fallen asleep... I sent her upstairs and stayed on the treadmill... and then had visions of the house burning down, so I got off and she was asleep, but I already lost my mojo.

    Such is life! 1.5 is better than sitting on the couch with a bag of cheese doodles! By better, I mean healthier.

  7. you're a busy mamma... way to go even getting 1.5.

  8. Glad you were able to squeeze in a run! So sorry life is hectic right now!

  9. Hey, at least you ran at all, I am usually looking for excuses not to run...I think I will regret that one day!

  10. You've certainly got a lot to juggle at once...

  11. I did fare better today! 4.8 miles -- long enough for now!

  12. You are doing so much and fitting in running is quite a feat! I don't even have kids or anything to be responsible for and some days I can't fit in a run either! It happens! Glad you got a run in today!

  13. Getting in those runs with babes is so tough. For me, it was worth the effort to get out early when Daddy was home or later (and pay for a sitter) so I could get in the run I wanted without the tears or diaper changes. Now, my boys are 5 and 10, and it is so much easier.

  14. Mad props to you...not sure how you do it!

  15. LOL. I feel I hardly have time and I'm not a parent. I always wonder how you wonder-moms do it all!

    Maybe you could swap fantasizing with actual running? ;)

  16. Hope you got your run in lady. :)

  17. Lindsay, I was wondering who would call me out on that one :-)

  18. You got 1.5 miles in!!! Way to go! Most wouldn't have even tried to do that much when their DH is running late. Kudos to you. And, I think #11 is just about the right number for running - you do have a newborn and a toddler!

  19. You have your priorities is order Mom first runner second, that is what matters.. HUGS to taking care of the little ones..

  20. Good luck getting the runs in! Even a little run is better than no run. :)

  21. Great job squeezing in what you could! It does get easier, but there are still some days now when my mileage is totally affected by my children.

  22. Kudos to you for even finding time to post :) Seriously between breastfeeding, diapers and the dishes I can't seem to find time for much else!! You have a wonderful attitude about it all - reminds me to keep my head up.

  23. This age of little ones is tough. Hang in there.

    I have five kiddos from 11 yrs to 18 months. The only way I'm able to run is to get up early and be back before hubby leaves for work.


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