
Friday, December 3, 2010

Race goals.

Tomorrow's my big race. (You know, the one I've been yammering about for, oh, the last month or so?)

It's not an especially big race as far as participants go (I think there will be about 200 runners) but it's big for me. It's my first post-preggo race.

Yup, tomorrow marks 8 weeks since I gave birth and I'm celebrating with a 5k.

And although I haven't exactly trained for the race -- I've mostly just been running at a comfortable pace -- I do have some goals. Sure, it would be nice to say I just want to finish with a smile on my face but, let's be real. I want to run well. I want to run fast.

I know I'm not going to be all that fast, unfortunately, because I'm still carrying about 12 extra pounds. But I'll use this race to gauge where I am, fitness-wise. So, here's what I'm shooting for tomorrow:

  • A goal: 25:13 or better. This was my time for my first 5K after Conal was born, 4 months postpartum.
  • B goal: 27:11 or better. This was my best preggo 5K time, run when I was 5.5 months pregnant.
  • C goal: 29:59 or better. I just don't want to finish in the 30s.

Do I have any idea how I'll do? Not really. If I want to sandbag, I could go on and on about the cough that I have had for almost two weeks now or my feet, which feel oddly like they are broken. Bum feet and congested lungs probably aren't setting me up for any PRs. But will they ruin my shot at a good time?


I've run through coughs and foot pain before. I can suck it up with the best of them. It's only 3.1 miles, after all. I can run hard for 3.1 miles.

And that'll be my plan. Run hard. Run strong. Yup, that's my plan.

Have a great weekend, everyone! And to those of you who are racing: Run hard. Run strong!

~ Felice


  1. yahhhh first post prego race! have a blast :)

  2. Can't wait! I guess we won't be running side by side - because my goal is to finish in 28:30.
    You will leave me in the dust!

  3. I think I liked running with you better when you were pregnant! :-P (My fast is your slow.)

  4. Just getting to the starting line 8 weeks post-partum is a victory! Have a blast!

  5. Good luck tomorrow and have fun! Hopefully it wont be too cold out or snowing!

  6. I expect great things for sure! Good luck!!!

  7. Run hard. Run strong ---love that!

    Go get it woman!!

  8. You will do great, have a great race and most of all - enjoy it!

  9. Yup - your slow is my fast! I'm betting on B.

  10. Rock it!!!
    8 weeks post, you rock!
    Hit it hard Felice!! bum feet, yucky lungs and all! I am saying you hit goal A!!!

  11. Janine -- you've got the spirit. Can you come cheer me on?!?!

  12. Two months post baby and you're racing already! You'll do great! Good luck!

  13. Good luck and have a ton of fun. I am kind of nervous about when I race again post injury!

  14. Amazing! Racing 8 weeks post... you are going to rock it, no matter your time!

  15. Go get 'em!! I vote for the A Goal :)

  16. You're going to do great - what an incredible way to celebrate 8 weeks post baby!! Good luck...and hope you make A!!

  17. Run hard. Run strong!
    Love it, looking forward to seeing the results

  18. I was thinking about you this morning. How did it go?

  19. i'm late, but i hope the race went well!!

  20. Can't wait to hear how you did. I hope it went well!


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