Welcome to check-in #1!
(Have you signed up for the challenge? Read about it HERE.)
It's Day 1 of half marathon training for this happy runner. 12 weeks to the 13.1 NYC. The schedule for this week looks like this:
Mon: 4 miles easy
Tues: cross-train
Wed: 5 miles w/3 @ tempo
Thurs: rest
Fri: 4 miles easy
Sat: 8 miles @ long run pace
Sun: rest
I can't tell you how excited I am for this training cycle. I haven't trained for a race in over a year and I've missed it. I hope that those of you who are training along with me are as excited as I am!
Challenge housekeeping
The sign-ups are coming in! I'm really pleased that so many of you are into the challenge! I'm going to post the participants later this week but that doesn't mean I'm going to close the sign-ups. You can sign-up any time between now and the weekend of the race. (Sign-up HERE.) The benefit to signing up early is COMMITMENT. So, consider doing it! And, remember, you don't have to run the full 13.1 miles all at once -- any time from Friday, 4/1 through Sunday, 4/3 works.
Later this week, I hope to post the preliminary list of goodies that I have for prizes. Yay!
Call for questions! Do you have a question about the 13.1 NYC, half marathon training or running in general? Leave a comment with your question and I'll post it later this week so you can get feedback and answers.
Last -- would you like weekly motivation via email? Leave me your address (or send it to me at felicehalf at yahoo dot com) and I'll put you on my Happy Runner Half Marathon Challenge e-mail list.
Hope you all had a good weekend -- thanks for stopping by!
~ Felice
I'd definitely appreciate the e-mail (proudpatriot2007(at)yahoo(dot)com)! I just ran a half on Saturday, my first, but I am doing a 10 mile race in February so motivation is good!
Definitely put me on the email list!!
ReplyDeleterose (aaatttt) meiri dot net
heading off to read about the challenge....
ReplyDeleteHey there! I ran my first half at the end of 2009. I started running in early 2009, about 9 months after my first child was born. I had to stop running when pregnant with my second last year. My second child is now 2 months old, and I started running again last week. Any suggestions on how to ease back into running? I would love to do another half again and marathon.
ReplyDeleteNice-looking schedule for the week. Enjoy those runs!
ReplyDeletemarsfire98 -- Oooh! Lots of advice. I'll include your question and get some feedback for you from others, too!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to join the challenge. I'm signed up to run the Chicago 13.1 in June. I'll just put this little challenge into my training plans!
You know I'm there, literally! Training starts this week for me too. It is good to start, though my first run isn't until tomorrow. I don't really have any more questions. Enjoy your training! And, yes, I'd love to be put on the e-mail list. Prefer runningonmytimemail at gmail dot com. Tks!
ReplyDeleteSuch an AWESOME idea! I might have to jump in join you guys. Planning the rest of my year now.
ReplyDeleteWinks & Smiles,
Oy, guess I need to write a training plan since my long runs are nowhere near 8 miles at the moment.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to your list mom2shoo at gmail.com
Lingfam@cox.net...yes, please motivate me. I appreciate you and your time, this will be great!
ReplyDeleteYou are such an awesome motivator! Thanks, girl! P.S. I left you a little surprise on my blog!
ReplyDeleteYou can add me to your motivational email list! I ALWAYS LOVE your quotes!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm training for the NYC half too! Good luck in your training.
ReplyDeleteIs it too late to join in on the fun? I'd love to train with you!
ReplyDeleteI'd be down wihyour motivational emails!! For sure!
ReplyDeletejdraemel (at) hotmail.com