
Friday, April 29, 2011

Five things Friday.

1. Last night's scheduled speedwork became last night's cross training. Again.

Let me explain: Owen had a meeting last night. So, with the way things worked out, I needed to run on the treadmill after the boys went to bed. I don't mind doing intervals on the treadmill and, in fact, I prefer speedwork on the 'mill to steady state runs. Anyway, I turned on the monitor and hopped on the 'mill and started my run. Only to have to pop off a minute later when I heard the baby stirring. But it was nothing. Back on the 'mill, more stirring, back off the 'mill. Nothing. Repeat. And repeat again.

Too frustrating. I couldn't run like that, thinking that every little noise was something. So, I bagged the run in favor of weights. I need to do them more often anyway. My arms will, eventually, thank me. Today, they just feel tired.

2. Conal's first soccer practice/game that was scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled, because the fields are too wet. Woo hoo! This gives me way more time to get my long run in. I had been worried about how I would fit it in and now, with soccer out of the picture. I'm free!

3. I watched the Royal Wedding. Sorry, I had to. I mean, I just couldn't resist. No, I did not get up early to watch it, but I did record it. And I did sit on the sofa with me 3-year old and we did discuss which hats we did and did not like. He was most fond of this little number:

He goes for blue.

4. The Barney Butter giveaway is on through May 13th. Remember to visit the site HERE to enter to win a box of Barney Butter!

5. April is almost over and out. And I'm ready for it to take its showers with it and leave some May flowers behind. Seriously, I'm really over all of this rain.

With that, I'm over and out, too. Have a great weekend, everyone. Good luck to everyone racing!

~ Felice


  1. I hope that April takes the WIND away along with the showers!

    Great job on the arm workout.

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Give us the showers! We are in such a bad drought right now we so need it!

    Weights are good - I'm dedicating some of the precious workout time to them again. Eventually I'll feel good about it but right now... pain. Just pain.

    Also - I am not a big royal wedding follower but I am enjoying the hat pictures (and actually ended up coincidentally wearing a pretty spoofy hat today due to bad hair day).

  3. hah. i like that you were discussing which hats he liked and didn't :) hooray for a relaxed schedule - hope the long run went well!

  4. Nice discussion. Staying flexible in the training schedule is important. When you can't do what was planned, it's better to do something that contributes and not beat yourself up over missing a run. And of course you're right: weight training is important too. Thanks.


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