
Friday, April 8, 2011

Next up.

My recovery week is just about over. Since the half, I've run a grand total of 4.8 miles. Stand back! That's fine, it's a recovery week and all but now I think I'm ready to get going again. Perfect timing: The weather for this weekend looks to be sunny with temps in the 60s. Bring on the run!

And get training.

I've got two races coming up in the next two months and I would like to run well in both. First up is the Mother's Day 5K on -- you guessed it -- Mother's Day. That's May 8th. (THIS would be awesome, btw. Any mama would love the pink one. Or, heck, even the black.)

After that is the Freihofer's Run for Women 5K on June 4th. I predict that I will blow last year's (preggo) time out of the water. The time to beat? 27:11. Yes, it was my time from 5.5 months pregnant. But, still, it's last year's time and I want to beat it. My best times on the course are: 23:27 (pre kids) and 23:47 (post kids). In blowing my preggo time out of the water, I plan to attempt to beat my best times and shoot for a course PR. So, yeah, I need to get back to training.

Beyond those two upcoming 5Ks I'm thinking about a fall half marathon and maybe, just maybe, a summer one. Just call me an addict. I can take it.

Now, I'll leave you with some of my "official" race photos:

I need to get some better tops.

Have a great weekend, everyone! And if you were part of the HRHM Challenge and you haven't left me a link with your race recap, please do so today so I can get them all linked up this weekend. THANKS!!

~ Felice


  1. I LIVE in my CEP socks. I have the pink and the black pair.

    Smart it is training time again. :)

  2. AHH I love those socks! I really want to get the pink ones!
    - TO cute :)

  3. Sounds like you've definitely got the racing bug! Exciting things coming up. You are going to blow those 5K times out of the water!

  4. I love your race pics! You look so good! I am thinking about running a race on Mothers day too! Not sure if I will be ready for it though because it is just a week after my half, but we will see.

    Oh and this is my recap from the weekend - I forgot to include it before.

  5. Hey, i am a new follower. Great blog!

  6. All, isn't planning awesome? Why not do the Niagara Falls international marathon in the fall? I'm thinking of that one as my fall half as well and I think you may be close enough.

  7. You should do a fall half! It would be a great link in your training between now and the shorter races you have coming up.

    Here's my RR:

  8. It's nice to hear someone actually RESTS during a post race recovery.
    Nice pics...way better than mine!

  9. Ha ha ha!!! Laura -- oh, yes. Rest is best. And I definitely needed it and enjoyed it. Went out and had a great run today, though.

  10. great race pics, love the green socks!!

  11. Hope to see you at your next 2 races - May 8 & Jun 4!!

  12. totally belive you can beat your times! now you have such a strong mental attitude that is half the battle


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