
Friday, June 10, 2011

Five things Friday.

1. Lightening running and all, I'm full-on into Boilermaker training. It actually started with my recovery run an hour after my PR race at the Freihofer's Run for Women on Saturday. I'm kinda psyched to be training for a longer race again.

2. For this race I'm adding in more cross training than I did for the FRW. Since I focused on distance for the half marathon and then speed for the FRW, I think that continuing to maintain those bases and adding in the cross-training will help me best prepare for the Boilermaker. I've had a few sessions with Jillian and her Shred and my butt has been kicked!

3. I recently started writing book reviews for the BlogHer Book Club and I have a few that are up, including this one for Jean Kwok's Girl in Translation and this one for Deborah Harkness' A Discovery of Witches. No, the books aren't about running but they have been interesting and being part of this program has given me the opportunity to learn about and read books that I otherwise wouldn't have picked up. If you're interested in either book, go check out my reviews!

4. I am once again having daydreams of training for another marathon. And once again plugging race times into that oh-so-addictive McMillan calculator. Must stop . . .

5. We're catching a break from the really hot weather of earlier this week. The weekend should be really nice, which is good because I have an easy run on the schedule for this evening and then an 8-miler either Saturday or Sunday.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. Sounds like you have a great plan for Boilermaker training! I am trying to keep up with more cross- and strength-training this time as well.

    Loving the reprieve from the heat! Have a great weekend.

  2. I am SO glad the weather has cooled down here! I hope we're not in for a ridiculously hot summer :(

  3. The temps here are (finally) awesome! Though as long as it isn't snow...I am not complaining.
    happy weekend!

  4. Yay another marathon in the future perhaps?!

    I'm doing my first marathon this fall, I'm really excited.

    I love McMillan as well, it's fun to look at all the numbers and I like how it gives you paces for your workouts (tempo/speed/easy/long run paces.)

  5. I am still so sad I wont be running Boilermaker this year!! Good luck with the training! that race will be here quick!

  6. glad you are getting a break from the heat. i just wish we would get a break from the wind. not only is it annoying, it's keeping them from getting that wildfire under control :-(

  7. I just stumbled on your blog recently and love it. I have just started running again this year and ran my first 1/2 marathon in May. It was so much fun I signed up for 2 more. I also really appreciated your review of Girl in Translation. I loved that book and you wrote a beautiful review. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. =)


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