
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just. Keep. Going. (review & giveaway!)

Let's be honest. Sometimes, in the middle of a run or a race, you want to quit. Admit it. You've been there. I sure have.

Like here:

That's me, STRUGGLING up a hill in the Adirondack half marathon 10 days ago. 

Mile 8? Mile 9? Yeah, they kicked my butt and I totally wanted to quit. Many times. I kept hearing the quitting part of my brain tell the running part of my brain to "just stop and walk. This racing thing is too hard. Walk. Rest. Sit down. Whatever. Just, you know, don't run anymore."

But -- ha ha! -- the joke was totally on the quitting part of my brain because I had a secret weapon:

Go Band from Dailyologie

Yup. Words of wisdom: JUST KEEP GOING.

Donna from dailyologie sent me a Go Band to review and I decided to give it a true test and I wore it for my half marathon. 

That's me during the race. You can see the white of the band on my left wrist .

Those words helped me to quiet that quitting part of my brain. There were several times when I looked down at my left wrist and read the words and did as I was told.

Just. Keep. Going.

So simple. So important. Especially at mile 9.

I love my Go Band! It's a simple little canvas band with an image of a road and the words on one side, a color on the other side. It closes with one snap. The band is light and I didn't feel it at all when I ran. Seriously, it's great. 

The Go Bands are $14 each on dailyologie (an etsy site). Right now, there are only Just Keep Going bands in blue and green. But, there are plans for new bands with other motivational sayings and I can't wait to see them!

The giveaway:

Want to win a little dose of motivation? Well, I'm super happy to have one Go Band to give away! To enter, leave me a comment and let me know that you'd like to win.

Additional entries:

As always, you can gain extra entries. Remember, though, you must complete the required entry first! (Leave one comment per entry for the additional ones to count):
  • Follow this blog, or let me know that you already do (leave a comment) 
  • Become a fan of The Happy Runner on Facebook, or let me know that you already are (leave a comment) 
  • Link to this giveaway from Facebook or Twitter (do as often as you'd like, just leave a comment each time) 
  • Pop over to dailyologie on etsy and click the facebook "like" link (leave a comment)
  • Link to this giveaway from your blog (leave a comment) 
This giveaway will run through Tuesday, October 11 at 11:59pm EST and the winner will be announced on Wednesday.

Good luck!

~ Felice


  1. I am a fan of the Happy Runner on Face book!

  2. I'd love to win! I could totally use some uplifting words on tough workout days :)

  3. I love your giveaways! Am a follower, for sure :)

  4. I'm already a follower. I am running my first 1/2 marathon next month! Would love one of these!

  5. I am a follower of your blog and would love one these inspiration bracelets! :)

  6. I'm also a follower on facebook!

  7. I already like The Happy Runner on FB.

    Real life: Shelly Cable

  8. would love to win this. awesome :)

  9. already a fan of THR on FB :)
    under my real name lol!!

  10. I stopped and walked & stopped & walked...Wish I had a GO BAND!!!!

  11. I follow this blog and quite like this band idea!

  12. I posted your giveaway on my blog.

  13. Posted your giveaway on my blog :)

  14. I would pick either the victory bag or the go band. I've never run with a bracelet - but the motivating words might make it worth a try!

  15. I'd like to win! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  16. i follow your blog. runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  17. i already like the happy runner on fb [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  18. I'd like to be reminded to Just Keep Going!

  19. I follow your blog AND I read it!

  20. How neat, I would love to win one of these!!

  21. what a cute bracelet! i want to win! :)

  22. I'm a follower. Love that band!

  23. i want to win and give to my friend running the nyc for first time

  24. I love the band! (You don't need to put me in the giveaway.)

  25. I'd love to win the Go Band to give to my running partner who is doing her first Half in the near future.

  26. I would love to win one of these awesome motivational bands!!!

  27. I'd love to win.

    Amy Lauren

  28. Also, I follow your blog in google reader.

    Amy Lauren

  29. I wanna win! I'm new to this running thing.
    I liked your FB page too.
    I also have you on my blogroll on my blog.

  30. Sign me up for another entry - I'm a follower of your blog!

  31. One more entry - I 'like' happy Runner on FB!

  32. Me, please :) since I dont know how to properly leavleave a comment ;) karyn murphy

  33. I want to give up sometimes!!! Pick me!!:D

  34. I would love to win! very inspiring!

  35. I'd like to win one. Just finished a 10k on Sunday, and I sure could have used one.

  36. I'd love to win some motivating words for my runs!

  37. Tweeted the giveaway! @wealths_health

  38. I would love this band , as I am training for my first 1/2 marathon and I have definately struggle with the brain side of running

  39. I would love to win one of these awesome motivational bands!!!


Comments make this happy runner EXTRA HAPPY! Thank you, thank you!