
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leg muscles (and review).

I'm going to start by stating the obvious: You need leg muscles to power you through your runs. Yeah, I know, you need leg muscles to walk, sit and, well, to do pretty much anything. So I guess the thing to say is that to run you need strong, well-functioning leg muscles. Even more important if you want to run well and achieve your goals.

In an effort to make sure I reach my marathon goal this May, I've been doing lots of running (obviously), some cross-training (hello, squats!), and plenty of rehab to keep my hamstring/knee/calf injury at bay (so far, so good). Even with all the precautions I take and diligent effort I put into developing those strong, well-functioning muscles, I sometimes end up with a bit of pain.

But, you see, I'm a lucky runner and at the start of my training cycle, I was sent a stash of BENGAY to review. This stuff could not have come at a better time.

Here's the thing. My legs are, for the most part, feeling fine. I don't have too much residual pain from the hamstring/knee/calf injury. But, on occasion, that area acts up. Not usually on the run (fortunately) but at odd times. When I'm playing with the boys. Or sitting at the dinner table. Or standing at my computer typing a blog post.

So, I turned to the BENGAY and, let me tell you, it works. My pain isn't terrible but it is the type of pain that would have me turning to ibuprofen more than I'd like, mostly because I don't want the pain in my leg to cause me to overcompensate and start standing/walking/sitting in some strange way that would then cause some whole other sort of pain. Know what I mean?

Yeah. Anyway, I've used BENGAY on my injured area and it does give me relief. What I like the most, though, is that the "vanishing scent" BENGAY that I was sent to review doesn't stink like BENGAY of old. So, now people don't have to hold their noses when I'm walking through the aisles at the grocery store. The lack of a strong smell definitely makes me more apt to use the BENGAY. I don't feel self-conscious about it at all. So, good move, BENGAY !

You can learn more about  BENGAY  at their web site.

Do you use BENGAY for sore muscles? Do you have another favorite muscle pain reliever?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Felice

Disclaimer: I was sent product samples for this review. I was not otherwise compensated and the opinions expressed are entirely my own. 


  1. Is it weird I kind of like the smell of the old Ben Gay?

  2. Tara, Ha! No, not at all. I know what you mean. I just always feel like OTHERS are going to know I'm wearing it. Or they are going to be sniffing around wondering where that smell is coming from!

  3. Always enjoy the nasal assault of BenGay when I hit the gym on Monday mornings. Weekend warriors still love the smelly version.

    Haven't used Ben Gay in years, but I'm a big user and fan of Biofreeze. You might want to give that a try just for comparison. Glad Ben Gay is working for you.

  4. I haven't used Ben Gay before but I am glad to learn that there is a no-smell version. I think I will look into that.

    When I have muscle cramps I use Tiger Balm... but it would be nice to have something to use just fore soreness, which I often have after long runs.

    Thanks for the review and recommendation.

  5. In Hong Kong, they call Ben Gay, Tiger Balm, etc, "Old Lady Perfume". xoxo Maggie

  6. I have a tube of bengay cold sitting on my dresser. It has made my calf a much happier camper more than once. Love it.

  7. Good to know there is a scent- and mess-free version! I have the original stuff and it works, but the inconveniences result in me not using it too much.

  8. I can always remember the start of events and that Bengay aroma that filled the air. Ah, the good old days.

  9. I secretly like the smell of Bengay and Tiger Balm, but I could definitely see the advantages of a "vanishing" scent. I also dig the mess-free packaging.

  10. I use this green liquid stuff (dont know the name) that my wife gets from the Philippines. But I will have to try out that bengay. Thanks

  11. I use biofreeze, it still smells but not quite as bad. However, for Christmas I got what I call "shockies" (electric muscle stimulators) and that's taken the place of it for the most part.

  12. I like the one you got. The no smell is nice, but the kind I have I still need to rub in with my fingers. And yes, I do use it per recommendation of my orthopedist.

  13. I have purchased a locally made product called "Extreme Score" it is by a company called "Rad Soap".
    I would highly recommend you check it out! I get it at the Troy or Schenectady Farmer's market.
    It contains Arnica.

  14. leg muscles do play a vital role when you consider about running...and you need to keep them in good shape by practising running and exercising to be fit.


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