
Friday, March 9, 2012

Five things Friday.

1. This was supposed to be a week of monster mileage. Instead, it was a week of skipped runs. A crummy illness landed in Chez Happy Runner and I ended up too sick to run on Tuesday and Wednesday. Well, I ran a wimpy little 1.5 miles on Tuesday, ending the run when my light-headedness got the best of me. But Wednesday? Nope, no running. This body just wasn't having it.

2. After taking the sick days, I came back yesterday with some stellar speedwork. I warmed up for a mile then ran 4 mile repeats -- 3 at a little faster than marathon goal pace and 1 at 5K pace -- and cooled down for a half mile, making the total run 6.5 miles. It felt great to run fast!

3. MY FIRST 20-MILER IS SUNDAY! OK, it is not technically my first, since I did run that marathon waaay back in 2004. But it is my first one of this training cycle and it pretty much feels like my first ever. And, oddly, I am So FLIPPING EXCITED. I honestly can't wait!

4. The weather is supposed to be perfect on Sunday. I'm running with Tami and Melissa and we're going to run a hilly 10 mile loop, twice. Let's hope everything goes well!

5. I don't even have a #5. I guess my mind is just focused on that 20-miler!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. You are going to do awesome on your 20 miler! I have my first 18 and I can't decide if i'm anxious excited or anxious scared. LOL

  2. rest up!! You have an awesome 20miles to run tomorrow!

  3. How fun!!! Enjoy that 20 miler lady, and the suckiness of the week melt away :)

  4. Have a great run tomorrow!! I hope you are feeling better.

  5. Great blog! Hope your run went well today!


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