
Monday, July 2, 2012

June recap.

June was a busy month. We had field trips and school events, my little guy turned 5 and then he graduated from preschool, we went away for a long weekend at the Jersey shore, and there's been all the regular stuff that goes on when you're determined to make the most of the summer season.

(Here are a few pics from our recent NJ trip.)

Loving the warm water!
Goofy big brother!

Head in the sand . . . why not?

There's also been a bit of running. After dipping under 100 miles for the month in May, I finished June with exactly 100. I'm slowly building back up.

I'm also slowly getting back into training mode. I admit that, since the marathon, I've been pretty much in easy running mode. Sure, I've kicked it up with a speed workout here and there and a few strong long runs. But, overall, the running has still been easy. I hope my Boilermaker performance doesn't suffer for that because I've enjoyed this month of running and I'd like to think it is setting me up well for my half marathon this fall.

Here's a look at June.

June stats:

Running (miles): 100
Races: 1 -- the Freihofer's Run for Women 5K where I set a new PR!
Cross training (sessions): lots

I added in a lot of cross training in June -- mostly in the form of box jumps, lunges, squats and a few key arm exercises. Oh yeah, and chasing after my toddler on playgrounds, the beach and at pools. That has to count as cross training!

Now, I'm looking forward to a great July of running. And a good race on Saturday.

How was your June? Did you hit your mileage or other running goals?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Felice


  1. July! The start of a new month! My workouts in June only consisted of weights and swimming (due to the broken foot I acquired on May 20).

    Yesterday, to start the month right, I biked (for the first time in years!) 7.5 miles and it felt phenomanal. I know I won't be back to running until August probably, but I see lots of cross-training in my future.

    Awesome job with your PR!

  2. My goal was to run at least 7 miles as a long run by the time my summer running group started this week! I got there- and it felt really good after spending the last 4 months recovering from a c-section.

  3. That sounds like a really sensible exercise routine. I'd lve to see your results after the next few races. Let us know if all the cross training helped or hindered!

    Happy July, I'm sure it will be excellent :-)


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