My mileage is slowly creeping up to where I'd like it to be. What a relief. Although, at this point in my half marathon training, I would like my long runs to be in double digits. But, they are not. Not yet, anyway, and I'm OK with that.
I'm running the runs I can run.
And this past week was a week where I had to give up on a few of those runs. You see, I was knocked out by a nasty bout of food poisoning. It was truly, truly awful. What's worse is that my whole family -- Owen, the boys, my parents, my brother and his (very-pregnant-ready-to-give-birth-any-day-now) wife, and my other brother and his girlfriend -- all had it. Yeah. And guess who made the dinner that got them all sick? Yup, yours truly.
So, Monday and Tuesday were spent dealing with a terribly unpleasant little illness and running was the last thing I wanted to do. But Wednesday, when Owen was still home from work because he hadn't recovered, I was back and I had a super-duper outdoor run.
Man, was that a good run! I'm sure a big part of why it was so good was that I was finally feeling like I was back among the living. Still, I can appreciate a good run for what it is. And that was one.
On Thursday I hit the treadmill for an interval workout. I warmed up for about 10 or so minutes and then ran 14 x 30 seconds @ 5K pace / 90 seconds slow. Then I cooled down. I pushed myself to finish the last 4 under 5K pace and I'm glad I did! Speeding up on tired legs is always good preparation for race day.
Today was my long run. My solo long run.
8 chilly and hilly miles on slick roads. I took it easy and ran around 9:30 miles for the first 6 miles then I dropped down to 9:00 pace for mile 7 and 8:05 for mile 8.
Quality miles.
So what if I'm not up over 10 yet? I will be, soon enough. I still have two months before the half marathon. I'll be ready!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone!
Don't you just love those good runs that follow time off your feet?? Nice job... and you have plenty of time before the marathon!!