
Monday, April 8, 2013

My best run.

It was Friday afternoon and I had some unplanned-for time on my hands. The boys were at my parents' house, the weather was running perfect, I had some new kicks that I was dying to try out.

It was time to run. Outside.

So I laced on my new Saucony Kinvaras (check out the fresh color!):

And I headed out in my neighborhood.

I didn't know what to expect, wearing new shoes. And part of me worried that I was foolish. A week before a half marathon isn't usually when people decide to give new running shoes a good test. Who wants to risk injury from bunk shoes?

Not me. But no worries, you know from the title of this post that didn't happen.


A few strides into my run, I still felt a little worried because I could tell that my stride was just a little different. I could hear my footfall as I climbed the first hill on my route and it sounded strange. Then I flew down the other side of that hill and something changed. I fell into a rhythm and my stride became comfortable.

I turned and climbed the big hill at the back of my neighborhood. I usually slow way down on that hill, but this time I didn't. I held strong and when I looked at my pace for that first hilly mile, it was 9:32.

I ran on.

The second mile of my run is flatter with a few downhills and only small uphills. I floated through it in 7:28.

Then I floated through the third mile, with its big uphill, in 8:20.

And then my last mile, mile 4, with yet another steep incline, as well as some nice downhills, was an easy 7:40.

I finished up with a quarter mile at a 7:20 pace.

Friday's run was -- by far -- the best run I've had in ages. 

I can't say exactly why, unfortunately. Maybe it was the pleasure of running outside on a weekday after so many treadmill runs. Maybe it was the freedom of having unexpected time alone to run. Maybe it was the new shoes. I don't know.

Whatever it was, I had a great run. I let my body "just run" and it fell into some speed. I never felt like I was pushing myself, I just felt like I was floating through my miles. It was the best feeling.

I hope to have many more of those runs this spring and into the summer!

Have you had a best run lately? 
Want to read about some other runner's best runs? 
Check out Miss Zippy's site for a whole list of them!

Thanks for stopping by!

PS: I was sent the Saucony shoes for review, free of charge. I'll be reviewing them in a future post.


  1. Great run! And I love the new shoes!

  2. Sounds like an awesome run! Sometimes I think they find us when we least expect it.

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. Love the shoes! I have the same ones and can't wait to try them. Sometimes new footwear is all it takes to make a good run great. :)

  4. I love your shoes! I really like Saucony, but I'm a little scared to try lighter, less supportive shoes.

    Your run sounds amazing! Isn't it great when a run like that just happens? My most recent best run was an 11 miler along the coast. It was beautiful and I felt fast.

  5. Debbie -- I was worried too. I typically wear Nike Structure Triax and Mizuno wave Inspire. So, a lot more structure! But, these felt good, very cushy!

  6. OMG don't you love when everything just lines up and you have a magical run? Nice work! Love the shoes, btw.

  7. Hope I'm not too late. I'd get the PRO Meal- sounds more filling :)

  8. I'd like to get the PRO Meal bar. It sounds more filling.


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