
Monday, December 2, 2013

November recap.

November was a decent month for me. I ran fairly consistently, although I did have a few glitches in the schedule when my hip injury flared up and when I had to lay low because of some nasty headaches.

I haven't been running all that fast or all that long. Instead, I've kept most of my runs to an easy pace and my distance has topped out at about 6-7 miles. That's right where I want to be now. I'm pleased. At some point, though, I need to get serious again and start thinking about what I want to do in 2014.

Those lyrics give me the racing itch!

Spring marathon? Fall marathon? Neither? Both? And what about those trusty half marathons? And my beloved 5Ks?

I have questions to answer. And time to do it.

Until I do, here's a look at my November:

November stats:

Running (miles): 76.7
Races: none!

Welcome, December! I'm looking forward to more easy miles and maybe, just maybe, a low-key race or two.

Have a great week, everyone!

1 comment:

Comments make this happy runner EXTRA HAPPY! Thank you, thank you!