
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I am THAT runner.

It occurred to me on Monday -- and some of your will guffaw and think that it should have occurred to me long, long ago -- that I am, truly, that runner.

That overly-excited-about-all-things-running runner.

That probably-super-annoying-to-all-non-runners runner.

That holy-cow-she's-insane runner.

That runner.

So why did it suddenly occur to me on Monday? Well, I was planning to run with Elisa and Bridget, 4 easy miles from Bridget's house at 9:30. Owen was taking the boys sledding, leaving the house a little after 9, so I asked him to drop me off at Bridget's on the way.

As we drove down our street, Owen turned to me and asked if Bridget knew I was coming over. "Of course," I answered. "We made a plan to run."

"I mean, does she know you're going to be there early."

"Oh," I said. "Well, you're just going to drop me off and I'll run around her neighborhood until it is time to meet."

He gave me a look.

"What?" I asked.

"What. That's normal. You're just going to run around her neighborhood, waiting for her to come out. . . "

And we laughed. And then he dropped me off and I did just that -- I ran around her neighborhood until 9:30 when she came out of her house and Elisa drove up.

To me, it was perfectly normal. I mean, why not take advantage of the extra time and get in a little extra mileage?

But it got me thinking. Thinking of all the ways I am that runner. And there are many. How could I have missed the obvious clues in all of these that runner things that I do, like . . .

  • wearing smelly running clothes because my running has outpaced my laundering;
  • finding myself with 35 extra minutes before pre-school pickup and filling those minutes with a 4-mile run;

  • becoming ridiculously happy when a friend decides to take up running;
  • feeling a pang (or several pangs) of envy when I see others out running -- and it is a rest day for me;
  • savoring Every. Single. Page of each issue of Runner's World magazine -- even all those pages that don't apply to me at all;
  • having Facebook/Twitter/Instagram feeds full of runners, especially Paleo-eating, crossfit-dabbling runner mothers;
  • knowing just what to wear for a run, but being sorta clueless about what to wear otherwise;
  • feeling almost more joy for fellow runners' running accomplishments than for my own;
  • owning multiple pairs of all the key types of running socks, including compression socks, toe socks, no-show socks, extra-lightweight socks, and heavier winter running socks;
  • remembering marathon training with a tad of longing;
  • packing running gear -- every trip, no matter what;
  • getting giddy about new running shoes -- especially running shoes that match, serendipitously, my favorite running capris;
  • strapping YakTrax on to my running shoes to head out for a run on snow-covered streets;
  • gabbing about running until, I'm sure, the people around me wish to put a cork in me!
I could go on and on. The examples are many. Writing this blog is probably one of them.

But, yeah, I am that runner. Oh, well. I am who I am!

Are you that kind of runner, too? What clues do you have? 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think it is great that you are that kind of runner! I started my blog so that I didn't talk peoples ears off about my running..not sure it helped..I think I talk ppls ears off about running lol

  2. Yup. I'm that runner.

    Doesn't go on vacation unless there is a race nearby.

  3. Running Librarian: Yeah, I don't think starting my blog help me stop talking either!!

  4. Darlene -- You are TOTALLY that runner!! I know that for sure :-)

  5. :D You have no idea(well actually you do) how excited I am that my non-running neighbor is now up to 10 miles with me, and registered for her first half marathon. She has only officially run 2 5ks. She is so addicted now! I can see her house through the field, and think about how amazingly convenient it is for us both. I am sort of THAT runner that is hoping she will love that April half so much she registers for the full I am running in the fall.:D

  6. Oh, yes, Tami! You are THAT runner! I'm glad you have found people to run with out there :-)

  7. This is awesome!!! I think being "that runner" is awesome!!! Sure, everyone (at least runners) do most of the things on your list!!!

  8. Great blog post! But now you have me thinking.... Am I "that" runner too? Apparently, the answer is yes.

  9. Michael -- Let's read running're probably *that* runner!

  10. Proud to be THAT runner :) It's a great thing isn't it?

  11. That was funny. Of course this was normal behavior. Owen just doesn't understand! LOL


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