
Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Motivation.

I read a sentence the other day that just hit me, and stayed with me, the way some things do sometimes.

"Why not choose to do everything you do with joy and enthusiasm?" 

Huh. I mean, really. Why not? Why not choose to do that? The way you live your life, the attitude that you have, those are both your choice, right? Right.

And if you choose to do everything you do with joy and enthusiasm, it makes sense that everything you do will be more enjoyable. More joyful.

At least I think so.

No, I don't think so. I believe it.

Sure, it is tough to always be enthusiastic about some things. I get it. But, if you choose it, you'll be more likely to get it.

So this week -- why not choose it? Choose to do everything you do with joy and enthusiasm. You'll feel better. Give it a shot :-)

Have a great week, everyone!

* The quote is from The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Two months.

I've been avoiding this blog. Not because I don't love it. And, certainly, not because I no longer love running.

I've been avoiding the blog because I haven't been running and what the heck do you write about when you're hanging around on the disabled list for months?

In my case, nothing. You choose not to write about anything because if you did write about something it would probably sound like whining and, honestly, who wants to read that?

No one.

And so. Here I am. Two months into living with my injured hamstring. I tried to run earlier in January and it did not go well. So I am sticking with cross-training these days. I use the elliptical a few days a week and sometimes still ride the bike. I've also been doing some HIIT workouts that I've found on the trusty TV. Their fun -- and different. 

What else?

Well, I've been going for chiropractic treatments and my chiropractor recently started doing the Graston technique on my lame hamstring. Working toward full recovery!

I've also been very busy with my doTERRA business -- teaching lots of classes and sharing my enthusiasm for natural wellness solutions and essential oils with anyone who wants to listen :-) This time of the year, I am especially grateful to have these things in my life -- as people all around me are catching one illness after another, my family and I are staying healthy! Woo hoo!

So, that's where this happy runner is these days. Recovering. Working. Enjoying my boys. All good.

Of course, it would be better to be running. But, I'll take what I can get :-)

Have a great week, everyone!