
Thursday, July 31, 2008


That's the sound of me screaming through clenched teeth because I didn't read ahead to this week's Take it and Run Thursday until last night. One day AFTER I posted on this week's theme!

Oh, deflation.

Yeah, the theme for this week is Look Back, Look Ahead -- a mid-year running goals progress check. And I, like a dork, wrote about this on Tuesday. Those of you who haven't already read the post can go find it here. Feel free to check it out and then come back and I will entertain you with New and Exciting Additional Goals!

Go ahead.

I'll be here when you get back.

Just waiting.

No rush; read at your own leisurely pace.

We'll all just hang out here, waiting for you to re --

Great! You're back. OK . . . let's move on . . .

So, in addition to what I outlined in my other post, I have some new goals. They are:

1) To run more.

To do this, I will --
A) Attempt to run in the morning. It will be tough considering I am really not a morning person at all. I will be successful if, by the end of the year, I am consistently running one morning a week.
B) Start adding long runs to my routine. I can handle this. I will be successful if, by the end of the year, I am consistently running one 6+ mile run each week.

(This next one is cheating a bit, since I'm half-way through it.)

2) To complete the 100 push ups challenge.

To do this, I will follow the remainder of the 6 week program. It will be successful if, by the end of the program, I can complete 100 consecutive push ups.

Manageable goals, both of them. I think I should be able to achieve them, along with my others (to run consistently (done!), complete three races (almost done) and to run a sub-24 minute 5K (very close)). One thing that will help me along the way is to continue reading the great running blogs out there for motivation!


  1. totally manageable and S.M.A.R.T. as well.
    need some running motivation??

    dont look at me :)


  2. Great job with your running and push up goals!

  3. MizFit -- Manageable is KEY!

    Mark -- Thanks!

  4. Oh, and, yeah: S.M.A.R.T. You noticed that, huh? I try to employ some of what I've learned along the way...

  5. Great to meet another happy runner! Good luck with your goals. :)

  6. Thanks for a great post!

    I'm not a Mom, but when our kids were young it was ridiculously hard to find time to run consistently. Running in the mornings really makes a difference--and the you also feel like you've done something good and challenging for yourself before most people roll out of bed.

    Keep up your great work!

  7. Im here to pick you up to run.

    you ready?


    Friday Morning

  8. Sounds like you've got some really great goals. I never could run in the morning till I forced myself to get up and just do it. Now, there's nothing better than a morning run. Good luck.

  9. Thanks for the support re: morning runs! I'll keep you posted.

    I've just got to DO IT!

  10. Ooohhhh girl, AM runs are the ONLY way I can swing it. With 2 kids under 5 and a husband that works wacky hrs, I have to shuffle out before everyone wakes up. It's hard at first, but once you get the hang of it you'll be good to go ;-)

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