
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 2 of Running as Advil.

Another headache this afternoon. Not as bad as my three-day killer but, um, enough already?

Ah, well. Thankfully, I have running. My short, easy run again chased that sucker away. Big love for running. BIG love.

So. A few of you asked about my book. Prepare to be let down! It is not nearly as exciting as it may seem. I do a lot of work-for-hire writing; non-fiction guidebooks, test-prep, that sort of thing. The book that I've been working on for the past two months is a spelling book. Yup. Spelling. For middle school students.

Yeah. Go ahead! Ask me to spell something*. I can do it! I can probably even rustle up a mnemonic for you. What's a mnemonic? Well, that, my friends, you will have to find out for yourselves.

*But let's not go crazy. I don't want be all spelling, all the time, you know? I mean, The Happy Speller just doesn't have the same ring to it.


  1. very neat about the writing stuff! thankfully i have my spellcheck, and won't feel so intimidated now knowing you're such a great speller, reading my babbles. :) Glad your headache was cured by run again... if only we could bottle it!

  2. Ha! No intimidation here, please! I have no problem with creative spelling ;-)

  3. Way cool. A writer and a runner. One of my goals is to write a book. I wonder if I'll ever get it done. Hmmmm. Will you do my spell-check? :D

  4. Yay! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that running and writing goes hand in hand.

  5. running writing is an advanced skill well worth learning

  6. Can you spell while you run? is that like doing math while you run?? Hope the headache stays away!

  7. You know, I never thought of running or exercising of any kind as a headache chaser! What great motivation!

  8. What's up with the headaches?!?!?

  9. Looks like you'll be raising the blogging gar for everyone else!

    I can't spell for tophee!

  10. You know, I go through fazes twice a year, where I get a headache for almost a week or more straight. It's usually near season change. Maybe that has something to do with it...?? Hmmm. Feel better soon.

  11. Spelling book. That awesum, err, awwsome, err, awesom, DANG.

    Just a guess here, but maybe the dry, winter air is contributing to your headaches. Do you have a humidifier? Or try building up some good steam in the bathroom every morning. Feel better and keep on running, homeslice.

  12. hmm not sure how to ask you to spell something without spelling it.. I'm going to work on that. Darn headaches!

  13. The mnemonic plague? Is THAT's what's causing your headaches?

    I was hoping you were a writer of steamy Fabio-on-the-cover type romances. I need an excuse to start reading those.

  14. Well that is still kind of cool.

    Glad to hear the run chased away the pain again... but hopefully this is the end of the headaches!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. I am a runner and teacher who teaches spelling, so it appears we have a bit in common. I hope the book your writing is more interesting than the one my students currently use (and I mean that in a nice way!) My students have been writing the Same Sentence (The yellow flowers bloomed early.) for the last 10 spelling lessons. Really makes spelling exciting! My question, do you teach students to break words down into morphographs? Just curious. We do and I have mixed feelings on it.
    About the treadmill runs? I did 14 miles last week. I think I mentally redid my entire house, school and town. Then I went mentally numb.

  16. I can't spell for crap. Still, it's pretty cool that you're writing a book. Way cooler than my job. :o)

  17. Good morning Happy Runner, I enjoy reading your blog. Hope your headaches go away...for good!

  18. Maybe you should go get your headache checked out???

    I love that you read... all sorts of books. So well rounded!


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