
Thursday, April 16, 2009

I feel very meta.

That's not a typo. I didn't mean to write metal as much as you might think that would be the case after my last post, for which I was, by the way, mocked by a friend for my inclusion of the "worst song ever" by the lame Scorpions. But, no worries, I can take it.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. It's Take it and Run Thursday at Runners' Lounge and the topic this week is Running Blogs: How and Why? Tom and Amy have asked bloggers to "Talk about how/why you started, what keeps you blogging and how you use it to keep you running."

Blogging about blogging. Meta-blogging, in other words. I feel like I'm back in college, with all that metaphysical discussion about being and reality. But I'll roll with it. So . . . here goes . . .

I started this blog last June because I, er, I wanted to? I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time and now, 10 months later, I'm still at it. Running. Writing about running. Whining about injuries. Learning how to avoid and heal them. Setting goals. Achieving them, injuries be damned!

And, most of all, enjoying the experience. I don't have much to say about why I blog. I gave you a little in my 200th post so I'll just add that I enjoy it. Very much. My blog has helped me become a better runner and person in ways I never expected. I credit my readers/commenters (or comment enters, as my spell check always wants me to write). So, thank you. Thank you all.

I'll add this, too: If you don't have a blog, start one! You'll love it. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing. Otherwise, don't. No pressure.

But please keep visiting me. I'm nothing without you!

* * *

It's a perfect spring day. I spent the morning with Conal at the playground and he's now sleeping the sleep of a worn out toddler. I have an easy run on the schedule for this evening, even though my hamstring is, yes, again, acting up. Wasn't I just complaining about my toe the other day? Yup. I told you I whine about injuries. I wasn't lying.

Enjoy the day!

~ Felice


  1. Keep posting, we'll keep visiting :)

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog - but don't always leave a comment.
    Need to remedy that ; 0

  3. I will definitely keep visiting :) I agree that its helped me become a better runner and person in ways I never expected :)

    hope that hammy is feeling better.

  4. I'll keep visiting! I know how important comments are. They keep me going!

  5. What Melanie said :)

    I tried that with my two - I took them to the playground. Now they're still jumping around with boundless energy where I'd like to curl up for a nap. Grrrr....

  6. I love the post-play outside sleep. It's making me so thankful for spring!

  7. wasn't it a great day! loved it! and getting out. After 2 days of rain here! Do you get in your runs when your husband gets home?

  8. I read your blog everyday and love it! Good luck in your race Saturday!

  9. Always love to visit the Happy Runner. I noticed that you added to my mini-bloggy following today :)

    Make sure you enter my little giveaway if you have a minute :)

  10. Good post! I always enjoy reading what you have to say and appreciate your support and feedback. What a great community!

  11. First comment says it all!

    I love blogging! I never thought I would find such an amazing group of runners...many of whom I've met in person---which is AWESOME. I even had one pace me!

    Blogging in a word -- ROCKS =).

    Do keep posting, you're such a positive person, I really enjoy your posts.

  12. Love your blog and all the info you provide. I've always been an exerciser, but running has been quite a challenge. Thanks to the running blogs like yours I'm taking up the challenge and making it more of a regular part of my fitness program.

  13. I love reading your blog and I am glad you started one! keep it up! I know I complain alot...imagine me in real life!

  14. I've gotten way more into blogging than I thought I would. Crazy how enjoyable it's become.

  15. Metaphysical blogging is the best. Perhaps I should make a comment about commenting?

  16. I enjoy your blog a whooooole lot, so keep it up!


Comments make this happy runner EXTRA HAPPY! Thank you, thank you!