
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's important to know where you are.

Believe me. I know where I am: Fully entrenched in motherhood. As demonstrated by today's run.

After a play date at a friend's house this morning, some quality time with the mega blocks and a speed-read of Conal's favorite Thomas the Tank Engine book, Conal settled down for a nap and I hurriedly changed into my running gear and scooted down to the basement for a run. Ooh, it was a great run.

However, the entire time I was running, I had the Boogie Woogie Piggies stuck in my head. Don't know the Boogie Woogie Piggies? For real?

Well. Here you go! Enjoy . . .

Honestly. The entire run. "A. Oink. B. Oink. C. Oink. D. Oink." Non-stop. I even tried running the song out of my head with a little heavy metal but all I could come up with was that Scorpion song from 8th grade and, somehow, "Here I am! Rock me like a hurricane!" just couldn't stand up to those piggies and all of their "oink-oinks."

Anyway, as I said, the run was good. I warmed up for a mile and then ran some speed:

800 @ 7:30 pace
600 @ 7:18
400 @ 7:00
4 x 200 @ 6:48
2 x 400 @ 7:00

Then I cooled down.

As I was cooling down, I could see the red dots on the monitor, indicating that Conal was waking up. Or someone was breaking in the house. Either one meant I should probably wrap up the run. So I slowed down a bit more and could hear Conal's cries. (Phew!) They picked up a bit so I called it a run, even though I wanted to run a half mile more for my cool down.

Of course, as soon as I got upstairs, he was no longer crying. Back to sleep. But, I was already done. I figured I would waste no time refueling so I sat down to finish the leftover veggie and pesto pasta that Conal did not eat for lunch. Yes, I ate it out of his little Peter Rabbit bowl.

That's where I am. I eat my toddler's leftovers. I sing ridiculous Sesame Street songs. I sneak in speed work during nap time.

Somehow, it works.

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. Way to go Mom! My day's not complete without ending my day with some sort of cartoon theme running non-stop thru my head! :) it's a sad sort of funny when i know all the songs to all the cartoons and she doesn't. :)

  2. Oh, that's funny! I told my hubby what I listened to, the one day a couple weeks ago that I took my ipod on a run and he just laughed . . . mostly kid songs.

    Oh, well. At least we're cool running moms.

  3. Maybe someday i'll know what it's like to juggle kids and life. Right now I'm content to only hear Sesame Street when I go my husbands families house for Xmas and have all the nieces and nephews running about.

    Ever heard the "Fruit Salad, Yummy, Yummy" song? If you have this one was stuck in my head for a week or so after the last fam vacation =). No amount of 50 cent or Emimen was getting rid of it =).

  4. Hahahha! I was cracking up reading this! someone breaking in the house? Good thing it was just the baby! eating out of the bowl, hahah. Great run!! :) Glad you could get it in.

  5. glad you got your run in :D and that the house wasn't broken into

  6. This is halarious! I'm not a mom, but the dad of three and there was a Seseme Street video that I saw with my (now 17-year-old) son when he was about 2 that is very similar to your clip. While I'm not still singing those barnyard songs on my runs, I do still remember most of the words to the sonds, especially one about an aadarvark! LOL! Great blog!

  7. You are like the picture perfect mom! Running around with the little one and then sneaking in some of your own running while hes napping! I love it! I hope that when I am a mom I can be as productive as you!

  8. Dang that's fast! I practically died trying to pull off 7:35 on the mill today.

    I really miss nap time :)

  9. hahaha love it :) great job on the run!

  10. So funny and so true regarding the kid music! I always get the Dora the Explorer song "Backpack, backpack", stuck in my head. The Sponge Bob theme song, too.

    I'm glad you got in a run today!

  11. Nice run. Sometimes when I am running I recite books that I have read to Morgan a thousand times and now have memorized. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is one of them!

  12. Nice run. I'm always juggling running with my little toddler too. She refuses to nap in a traditional sleeping place though, so we dished out the dough for a running stroller. Now when it's getting close to nap time, I strap her in and off we go (she loves it). Ah, just thinking about my next run relaxes me!

  13. Only thing that would have made that better is if you were drinking out of a sippy cup while you ran!

  14. lol. at least you are getting your workouts in though! nice job on the run speedy.

  15. Great job on the run! Nice paces and looks like a fun workout.

  16. I constantly have songs from the Wiggles stuck in my head - they just will not go away!

  17. By speed read do you mean skip a couple pages? Because sometimes I do that :-X HAHA! I'm totally getting Mother Of The Year :P

  18. I can TOTALLY relate to this post. I get my kids Wiggles and Dora songs stuck in my head all the time. And after my run the other day I ate Macaroni and Cheese with the guys because I was too tired to fix anything...

  19. Ha ha...that's funny. You are a supermom.

  20. Okay, after reading your post, I am purposely not clicking on that link b/c I don't want it stuck in my head for my run tonight. Ha! :)

  21. Aww, I can't wait to be a mom some day. :o)

  22. Great post! Don't know the song (thank goodness) and can't view the video at work (also thank goodness). Nice going on the running during naps. Naps are the best, though I wish I could partake more often.

  23. Peter Rabbit bowl! That is classic.

    Sometimes, when i run without my iPod, I have one line of one song stuck in my truly is hell.

  24. I have never heard that song before, but I'm pretty sure it will be in my head the rest of the day!


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