
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fake turtles of life.

Right now, there is a plastic turtle growing in a bowl on my kitchen counter. A goody from a recent birthday party, the turtle started out tiny and is supposed to "grow" by 600% in 7 days. Or something like that. All I know is that the weird thing looks oddly real, save his neon green head. And his flippers or whatnots get bigger and creepier each day.

I don't like turtles. I have nothing necessarily against them, I just don't really go for them. So, fake ones, sitting in big bowls of water, growing, on my counter? Yeah, not so down with that.

But my son, on the other hand, likes the turtle. He's all about how big it has gotten and how it went from little to BIG! And because he likes this turtle, I indulge him. I let the turtle be.

Which is the way it goes with life. Things come along and, before you know it, you're growing fake turtles, jumping up and down and going bonkers because your son used the toilet, or bumming-out because you can't do your favorite thing. Which happens to be running. Sure, you're disappointed and you crave that most favorite thing. But, you know, that's life. You get over it. You take it in stride.

If there is one thing that I have learned in this here life it is that you have bend with the wind, lest you break. And who wants to break? Not me, that's for sure. So I bend. I try to go with the flow as much as possible. I don't always do the best job, but I work toward it. I try to be flexible. I let the fake turtles of life grow on my kitchen counter.

So bend away. Take it all in stride. And if you are lucky, you'll soon get to do that favorite thing. Me? I'll be running tomorrow. And hoping that my son suddenly develops an aversion to reptiles of all sorts.

Fat chance.

~ Felice

PS: Don't forget about the Darn Tough socks giveaway here. Ends tomorrow at midnight!


  1. I have to laugh at the growing turtle, right now I have an alien that has to be in water all the time or it dies, thanks to my son. :0)

    Yes, we really must bend.

  2. LOL. I loved those things (I had an alligator), but that's besides the point now isn't it ;)

    Yes, you do have to bend with the wind. Else you break.

  3. I had a Grow a Fish when I was little. It was yellow. It got so big it outgrew its jar and we put it in the tub. When it stopped growing, I tried to pick it up by it's tail and it was sooo slimy. And then the tail broke. It was disgusting and I have never bought another one since.

  4. HA this post made me laugh out loud! I love your attitude about bending with the wind and going with the flow.

  5. I have never met a boy who didn't LOVE a reptile!! Good luck with that one! Cute post!

  6. Good reminder of how important it is to be flexible in many ways! Good luck with the reptile.

  7. What a great post. I love the analogy. :)

  8. If there was a commercial for those turtles, I know that is where my son's chore money would be going!! He loves that stuff!

  9. I'm with you on bumming out because you can't do your favorite thing.

    And as moms, I don't think we would survive if we didn't go with the flow at least a little.

    Great post!

  10. Great post - I agree, life sort of creeps up on you. I sometimes stop and think how on earth did I end up here? But you go with it.

  11. I really like this post. Very true.

  12. Nice analogy. It is so much easier to go with the flow.

  13. Great post. Sometimes I have a hard time bending with the wind, but breaking isn't worth it.

  14. Great post! It is so true that we have to learn to bend a bit. Nothing teaches that more than becoming a mom... and we end up with slimy turtles growing in our kitchen. Or in my case- dirty bird feathers, sticks, rocks, etc. all over the house.

  15. This post is a supreme example of why I keep returning to read your blog. Great Post. I will watch out for those fake turtles in life. They often appear at moments when you least expect them too. Ahhhhhhh! Keep up the awesome posts. Have a good one.

  16. ooooh, i love these things!!! i remember growing them and then ripping them apart. am i a sicko or what!

  17. I just did a similar post the other day; flexibility always sounds great in theory, right?

  18. we had one of those too, but ours was a rat. We put it in a bucket in the garage, and it got huge. It was gross!

  19. Those things crack me up. They are so squishy!

    Sorry you cannot run, but happy to hear you are making the best of it :)

  20. Excellent post!
    Follow...the winds of change.

  21. We have a tiny green frog, bugged eyed that makes me cringe, sitting on our kitchen table "growing." I feel your pain! haha. Happy almost weekend!

  22. Thanks Felice! The "wind-bending" reminder is exactly what needed to hear today. Happy Running! (and turtle growing)


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