
Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy on a Monday.

Lovely Aron at Runner's Rambles tagged me to write 10 things that make me happy. Thanks, Aron! Not only is it a fun exercise but it gives me something to post about ;-) Ha!

I've decided to list 10 running-related things that make me happy. So, here goes:
  1. My hilly neighborhood. I love that I can walk out my front door and go for a peaceful 5 mile run -- hills and all -- and never be too far from home. It's comforting. Sure, I sometimes enjoy running other routes, but my neighborhood one is perfect for me.
  2. When Conal asks me if I'm going running. OK, OK, most of the things that my little toddler does make me happy (the now-infrequent tantrums excluded!), but when he shows that he is into my running, that makes me happier than happy.
  3. My favorite running shorts. They are a sassy dark pink. They fit perfectly. They were $4.98 at Target. Happiness all around!
  4. My Craisin and almond post-run snack. Protein. Carbs. Vitamin C. Yum! My post-run handful of Craisins and almonds is a favorite treat.
  5. The way I feel after crossing the finish line. Strong race or not, crossing the line indicates that I've worked hard and finished what I've started. That is one satisfying feeling.
  6. Marathon telecasts. Why aren't more marathons on TV? I would watch every weekend, honestly. And, yes, I like to watch the whole race, not just the last few miles. I'm a fan!
  7. Running blogs! Oh, my. Yes. I am an addict. I love reading about running and I love learning from my fellow running bloggers.
  8. Brooks. I have been a loyal Brooks running shoe gal for over seven years and I don't know if I'll ever change. They work for me and make me happy!
  9. New gear. If I could, I would buy running gear all the time. And then I would end up in the poor house. Right now, I'm digging my Garmin Forerunner and my awesome turquoise running bra. The bra and I have been together for only two runs, but it is love.
  10. Feeling strong. When I run, I feel strong. When I set a PR, run with vigor up a hill, nail my speed work, or tackle a new distance, I feel even stronger. Running really lifts me up, making me happier with every step!
If you haven't made a happy list yet, try it out. Happy Monday, everyone!

~ Felice

PS: My Darn Tough socks review and giveaway is up at my other site. Yay!


  1. I love #5. No matter how bad the race is, it is NOTHING and forgotten as soon as I cross that line.

  2. I love my hilly neighborhood,Brooks shoes, and my post run breakfast (scone and coffee).

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Love you list. I can relate to so many of those!

  4. I love read americans running blogs too with google reader !

    good run

  5. Happy list on a happy (and wet) Monday! Love your 10 things.

  6. #7 is the reason I started getting quite excited about running again - and part of the reason running a marathon (and signing up!) came back to being a goal for me. So thank you for your part in this, Happy Runner. :)

    #5 I think I will learn to love that feeling this summer. I used to hate "races" - but just to finish will be so fantastic. Yay!

    #3 That is so awesome! Gotta love that perfect pair of shorts! (I'm still searching...)

  7. Three years in and I am still a loyal Brooks shoe wearer too!!

  8. :) I like that hills make you happy!

  9. Good to know I'm not the only one totally addicted to running blogs! (Even though they make me feel inadequate and slooooooow.)

  10. Great list...and I bet it was hard to choose just 10 things!! Off to check out the giveaway!

  11. That is a great list! I had #5 on mine, too! Great minds think alike :) Happy Monday!

  12. Your list is great. I just started wearing Brooks (Ravenna) and LOVE them so far. I've been through so many shoes lately so I'm hoping these do the trick!! Happy Miles!

  13. I have similar experiences to #2. Jack will even ask me if I had a good run. It makes me feel really proud.

  14. I am a very loyal Brooks shoe fan too. I have been using them for several years now. Good list! There is nothing like the finish line.

  15. Hey, I'm a Brooks Girl too, and also a big fan of the Garmin Forerunner! I really enjoy reading your blog and you really help me get out the door to do my own running when I'd much rather curl up on my couch w/ my laptop and catch up on what's happening in Blog Land! Keep running and staying happy! Katie

  16. Oh happy lady how I needed this. Thanks so much for the hugs and the happy list is awesome. $4 for some shorts? That would definitely make me happy!

  17. LIke the list. I add those craisins to just about everything (my favorite is greek yogurt, craisins, walnuts, and just a bit of maple syrup.) Yum!

  18. Felice, your blog made my day and reminded me that my most favorite shorts for running and exercising are less than five dollars :)...gotta run to Target!

  19. I totally agree with telecasting marathons, even if they are replays I will watch them. I may not stay glued to the set but they provide interesting background distraction while doing other activities (and by that I mean giving me an excuse to take a break from vacuuming ;).

  20. Love marathon broadcasts - and Ironman broadcasts!

  21. apparently new gear makes me happy too. i really need to reign in the spending on that. sigh

  22. What a great happy post for Monday. :)

    Craisins and almonds... I will have to try that!

  23. Very cool. I am with you on all of those. I love the one about the shorts at target. Last year I got some at Kohls by Tech for like 10 a pop. I love cheap but effective running clothes. And why don't they telecast whole marathons on tv? I wish they had a RUNNING channel with nothing but running like the other sports like football and all that other stuff. Take care. Great Post.

  24. great list!! I love it when my son wants to run with me. He is 5 years old, can't last that long, but I love it while he is able to do it!

  25. I agree with everyone...great list! I love having an almond and craisin snack as well!

  26. You're so lucky to have hills in your neighborhood!

  27. i love your attitude towards #1 :) most people would whine instead!

  28. Nice list. I'm kinda jealous about #1...not really.

  29. Yes! Running gear. I would buy running gear all of the time if I had the money! How fantastic.

  30. I too love it when my kids ask if I'm going running....I feel like I'm setting such a good example.


Comments make this happy runner EXTRA HAPPY! Thank you, thank you!