
Monday, May 24, 2010

Don't say it out loud.

Whenever my hairdresser tells me something that is going well, she prefaces it with, "I don't want to say this out loud, but . . . " and then gives me the good news. It goes like this: "I don't want to say this out loud but, my son is sleeping through the night." Or, "I lost 5 pounds -- I shouldn't have said that out loud!"

She fears that saying something out loud will jinx it.

It's her thing and it's kinda charming. Silly, I've always thought, but charming nevertheless.

Only, now I'm thinking it might not be so silly. See, I recently wrote about how great! and positively super-duper! this whole pregnancy and running while pregnant thing has been going. I probably shouldn't have said that out loud. Or written it, as the case may be.

Since that post, it's been tough to get my runs in. In the last week I ran a only 14.9 miles and my last run was the pits. I haven't had such a cruddy run in a long time.

There were a number of things working against me: Owen was away all weekend and I was desperate for a run when he got home yesterday around 2:30 so I headed straight out. It was hot. And sunny. And I don't think I had had enough to drink. And I was beat from the weekend.

So the run was crud. Full on crud. My legs were heavy. My belly was bouncing more than ever. I had to pee. My breathing was off and my pace was slow. After 3.5 miles I called it a run and a week.

Today, I'm taking the advice I've been giving my new runners and putting that cruddy run behind me. And hoping that maybe saying it out loud will jinx it. Wouldn't it be nice if you could jinx your cruddy runs? If you have that power, can you send it my way?

I hope everyone had a great weekend full of non-cruddy runs! Enjoy the week!

~ Felice


  1. I don't want to say this outloud but.....I also have cruddy runs! Ok Ok, I couldn't resist!

    Sorry about your crud run, those definately stink! I still don't understand how you can have an awesome run one day and the next can barely make it out of the gates??? So strange, but it happens so put it behind you and look toward the next run!

    I need to get out's beautiful here but I need to run now before the heat hits (running midafternoon now is not fun with the warmer weather)

  2. It happens, especially when you are preggo! But there are surely better runs ahead. have a great week.

  3. I had a cruddy run too! The heat is really getting to me. Here's hoping for better runs for both of us this week!

  4. Have you thought about getting a belly band? I've read it works wonders to feel supported while running.

    I'm sure it was just a crappy run and you'll feel better on the next one!

  5. it was hot yesterday for sure! Hopefully this week will be better for you! Once you get out there and get a good run in, this past week will be history!

  6. My run (singular) this weekend left a lot to be desired. This week has to be better, right?

    Hang in there.

  7. Here's to hoping for a non- cruddy week :)

  8. sorry about the crappy run...we all have them from time to time. put it behind you and move on.

  9. You know what you need: Prenatal Cradle! :o)

    Just kidding. Those runs happen. The baby was probably growing something important that day like brains or guts and it stole all your energy. You'll get back.

  10. I had a cruddy-ish run yesterday, and have no pregnancy to fall back on as an explanation! 8 miles today - and it's going to be great. I'm willing it to happen.

  11. now you've gotten the cruddy week out of the way..this week should be great :)

  12. Man! Google reader and it's delay really bugs me. I wish I had read this BEFORE I blabbed on and on about me running yesterday. I have to say that reading this makes me feel SO much better about yesterday. I wasn't feeling too bad, but just knowing that a running rock star like yourself had trouble in the heat makes me feel better. Sure, you have to be 5 months pregnant to have trouble in the heat, but I'll take what I can get!

  13. Just think how much more the cruddy run will help you appreciate the good ones! Here's to a new week of great runs!

  14. Like your new baby countdown! Hope you have some good runs this week!

  15. LOL! I do the same thing as your hairdresser!! It's like saying something out loud would totally jinx it - I get that.

  16. Funny words from your hairdresser, it made me giggle. I think I prefer your way and please, keep shouting the GOOD NEWS to the World! It's fun that way. I'm glad all is well :) !

  17. Yeah, I do wish you can talk your way out of a cruddy run. That would be fantastic. I hope you find your mojo today!

  18. I quit saying out loud about the races I wanted to register and run. They just don't work out.

  19. Isn't it sad that we think we'll take away our good fortune by sharing! I think we should all share good news and only good news, wouldn't that be a happier mind set all the time!


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