
Friday, August 20, 2010

Five Things Friday, ep. 26.

1. I am taking a quick break from my current project -- writing sample analogies for a test prep book -- to write this post. Big whoop, right? Yeah, I know. But, I'm sitting at my computer in full-on running gear. As soon as Owen walks through the door this evening I plan to head out. Will I walk? Will I run? Will I walk/run? Shuffle? Who knows! But I'll do something. And then I will enjoy my cooked-by-someone-else pizza. Woo hoo!

2. I need to give a big shout of "good luck, go get 'em, run hard!" to my runners Bridget, Janis and Jen. They are all running a 5K together tomorrow. For Jen, this will be her second race; it will be Bridget's and Janis' third. Oh, how I wish I could be out there with them . . .

Have fun, mamas!

3. I have TWO giveaways going on over here. One is for some awesome maternity active wear and the other is for free dinner. Check them out!

4. At 33.5 weeks preggo, I've now gained about 25 lbs. The scale is creeping up there!

5. I finally re-installed a sound card in my computer after I had to rebuild it after my virus fiasco. It's like I've rejoined the world. Music! While working! It's the best.

Have a great weekend, everyone! And thanks for stopping by.

~ Felice


  1. 25lbs sounds like healthy weight gain for 33-34 weeks. :-)

  2. When else is it ok to gain 25+ lbs? Enjoy it! And go easy on that run tonight... ;)

  3. Mmmm... pizza!! It will be well deserved!

  4. Ooh, now I'm tempted to scrap my dinner plans and order pizza. Mmm, cheesy goodness. Have a good walk/run, and a great weekend. :)

  5. I saw Owen & C at the grocery store tonight and he said you were going for a walk that could possibly turn into a run!! HA :)

  6. Enjoy your cooked by someone else meal! My in laws are here, so its been awesome to have help cooking! ( good at it! lol).

    And, you are cooking a requires calories and weight!

  7. Hope you were able to get out for some sort of run/walk combo yesterday!! I hate to say it but it felt like fall here...summer is almost over :( Have a great weekednd!

  8. Diana -- I love it! I am cooking up a kid :-)

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  10. Mmm...cooked by someone else pizza is the best kind of pizza!


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